View Full Version : Hello, new boy here - so grateful for this website

16-10-13, 17:07
Hi there, new to this forum and wanted to say hi, and how grateful I am that this exists to provide support for everyone who needs it. Here's my situation:

I'm currently experiencing a very bad relapse into anxiety and depression. Having had issues with anxiety for the past 11 years or so, I've been on and off citalopram during stressful parts of my life. I seem to react badly to change, so when I moved home to a different city for example, that triggered off an episode. However, I stuck through it - and with the help of brilliant friends, medication and therapy I was back on form within a couple of months, and loving life. After a year or so, I felt I could survive without the antidepressants, so gradually reduced dose and was fine for a few months, and then the anxiety started creeping back, and I had a full blown panic episode again when my job finished (another big change). So I went back on citalopram, and got all the help I got the time before. Once again, I recovered, got a really good job, and life went very well.

Until 2 months ago. Bizarrely, some may say stupidly, I decided I was completely cured again and very very gradually came off the citalopram at the end of last year, coming off completely in about March. At first, I thought I was OK....normal 'emotions' started appearing again, and I noticed myself becoming more sensitive. Then I started reacting badly to usual daily stressors, and obsessively worrying about trivial matters. It was stressful, although manageable - but I had a big change coming up. A new job, in a new city. So I had to move, and start a new job at the same time. Big mistake. I didn't sleep the night before starting due to stress, and on my first day I ended up in UCL hospital having severe panic attacks. I started back on citalopram, but I wasn't well enough to continue my job so I had to leave.

That was 2 months ago. I'm jobless, staying with my parents, and living away from my partner (who moved to London to be with me!) I'm on a higher dose of citalopram than ever before (30mg), but it doesn't seem to be working this time. I'm so anxious it's a struggle to get through a single day. I'm also depressed so I feel hopeless and exhausted - I'm withdrawing from life, my friends, my family, my relationship, and I just don't feel like I will ever recover. I've had an assessment with a counsellor, so that should start soon, and am on a waiting list for CBT. Unfortunately as I'm not working, I can't afford to pay for private help.

I've always a 'highly-strung' person, and remember having anxieties when i was very young (11), but I can trace back to when I first started feeling overwhelming anxiety when I fell in love with someone who did not love me back when i was 17. I developed a sleeping problem, and now have a tremendous anxiety about not sleeping. Needless to say, I'm not sleeping very well now! Then my brother died in a tragic and sudden accident. I was at my last year of sixth form at the time (Aged 18) and didn't take any time out, and went straight to uni - where I suffered my first major episode of panic and I had to drop out of the course because I couldn't cope. I did go back the year after and conquered that fear, but I have always had problems with anxiety ever since, and I just can't see a way out this time.

Wow - I've just realised how long this 'introduction' is - I congratulate anyone who had managed to persevere this far. Any positive suggestions or messages of hope will be enormously received, as at the moment I can't see the light at the end of this very dark tunnel.

A million thanks,

chris x

16-10-13, 17:43
I stuck with your post and read it all....sorry for all your anxieties I cant offer any advice im affraid ...nothing useful anyway !

16-10-13, 18:24
Hi Chris
You have been through so much in your life already but can you see that you have beaten it before and I believe you will do it again. It is not a quick thing to recover from but try and praise yourself for any little achievement that you make. It is tough sometimes to see that there is any hope but keep hanging on in there and try plodding forward and each day there will be some progress and don't let the blips knock you down.

I wish I had some magic answers for you but unfortunately it is hard work to get better and you are the only one that can do that.

There is lots of help and support here and I bet you will find some suggestions that will work for you. This is a great place I find so much support especially in the chatroom they have become like a extra family to me.

wishing you well on your journey to recovery


16-10-13, 18:47
Hi, and welcome. I'm sure you are already doing everything you can simply by hanging in there.

Gill x

16-10-13, 22:58
Hi, i am new on here! I have suffered from panic and fear for 25 years...good days and bad but it always there waiting to pounce. X

16-10-13, 23:19
I believe that if you can conquer anxiety once you can do it again and again. You need to believe you can do it, i haven't overcomes anxiety yet but im getting there. I wish you all the best during your difficult time friend.

17-11-13, 03:56
Select Care Benefits Network (www.scbn.org (http://www.scbn.org)). They are a Patient Advocate group that will help you obtain the medication you need (direct from the pharmaceutical company) at a cost of $20 a month. There is a one-time charge of $50 to process you application and then you are assigned a rep. who works with you and does everything for you to get the medication mail ordered to you. The only thing you really need to do is to get the Rx from you doctor.

18-11-13, 13:24
Hi - I'm new here too and so far it has been great - people here are fantastic, always someone around to help out and offer advice. Your already ahead of the game - you know your triggers, you know you can beat it as you already have done. Its just a small relapse, but you will get to the other end of it! Maybe your meds aren't working this time? Speak with your doc, explain whats going on and he may be able to offer something different, which might help. Above all don't forget your a strong person, you beat this before and you will do it again! Sometimes the tunnel is so long, the light isn't always there for us to see, but soon you will see a glimmer :blush:

22-11-13, 08:52
Hi everyone, thanks for the replies and sorry I've been quiet! Made a lot of progress, mainly accepting that this isn't going to go away quickly and I may have to work on the root cause of my anxiety and depression, which I believe quite likely to be repressed emotion from the death of a loved one. I'm sure there are other factors too, but I'm exploring the situation and not relying on a quick fix. I think in the past I have managed to overcome the debilitating stage of anxiety by desperately doing everything I could to covet the wounds (medication, cbt, meditation, etc), throwing myself into work ad a distraction, and less helpfully turning to alcohol to relieve stress. These things worked (although the alcohol therapy I do not recommend!) In the short term, but I was ignoring the infection deep within the wound (excuse the cliche analogy).

Will be using the forum and website for support, its such a help to hear hoe others are struggling and surviving. I have periods of good days now (still punctuated by days of horror!) But I finally can see the faint glimmer of daylight, which is a welcome relief to just more tunnel.