View Full Version : Blood clot?

16-10-13, 21:53
Here I am again but my anxiety levels have been sky high and I'm hoping it calms down soon but here we are, my most current fear is that of a blood clot...sigh
I keep getting pain in the calf of my leg but its not inflamed or red (and its not a pulled muscle) and my leg doesn't seem swollen and its soft, actually it feels and looks like my other leg apart from the pain, I feel quite breathless and like a weight on my chest and when I stand up I get a bit dizzy and my heart starts racing and feels irregular. I don't have a temperature but I'm so worried about this as there are a history of blood clots in my family, my nana passed away due to one. But there are also varicose veins which run in the family and my mum thinks I'm on my way to getting them because she got hers "stripped" when she was younger than me! But all I ever think is blood clot :( I'm too scared to google but surely I'd feel more ill than this...? I got blood test results two days ago which showed that my inflammation levels were normal for a full blood test.

16-10-13, 22:03
I get random aches and pains too in my calf and other areas. They nag for a while, then settle down. I never know what it is. Could be a nerve, could be a pulled muscle (although you think it isn't).

If you had a blood clot you would have way, way more pain. The calf would be swollen, discoloured and difficult to put weight on at all.

My Nan also passed away from a thrombosis which started in her leg, and they are incredibly painful there.

It sounds like most of your symptoms - breathless, heavy chest, dizzy, racing heart and palps - are more likely due to anxiety rather than any clot.

Hope you feel more relaxed soon.x

16-10-13, 22:13
Thanks debs. Do you know I feel ok in the morning then ok-ish at work, the dark nights come in early and that's me, panic panic panic. Seem to be going through such a bad time with anxiety at the moment yet I was fine all summer!
Thanks so much for your reply though :) it does put my mind at ease but I don't know if you can relate, but bad experiences in my life always makes me worse, I.e someone passing away of a certain illness makes me fixate on that illness...
I can't wait to start my psychology apt. Hopefully I won't be annoying everyone on here as much haha! Hope you are good today?:hugs: x

16-10-13, 22:27
I know how you feel, hun.

I find I get more anxious about physical stuff when I am stressed in general, or like you say, when bad life experiences happen. It just makes everything much worse and more worrying. I fixate on certain symptoms, but then when I feel less anxious, my rational brain kicks in. It is frustrating, I know.

You don't annoy anyone! (not me for one) We all need reassurance sometimes. I'm not too bad today, thanks for asking hun. xxx:hugs:

16-10-13, 22:39
Thank you for your kind words :) and I'm glad you're not feeling too bad today. I hope it stays that way for you and you feel wonderful soon :hugs: xx

17-10-13, 03:25
please don't worry about this. I understand you're anxiety especially since your nana had this (I'm so sorry about that!)

if you really need reassurance go to a&e and ask for a clot test (im sure it will be negative!!!!) but if it's stopping you sleep it might be the only way to free your mind.

good luck!

26-10-13, 18:42
I have this too! I get cramps everywhere in my legs but no heat or real inflammation. I get like a tense really painful leg and I jump to conclusions about it loads! I also have a tendency to look it up! :/ Argg it's really annoying :( cuz I think it is a blood clot all the time I mean what if?!

26-10-13, 19:36
i currently have this fear and it's driving me crazy. it hurts when i squat or kneel, but no swelling.

but my leg is starting to tingle and feels sore up to my thigh now too so im really scared :(