View Full Version : Anyone get a random spurt of dizziness that only lasts seconds?

16-10-13, 22:49
I absolutely hate these! And they really set my anxiety off, since I have brain tumour anxiety it makes me worried it's related to a brain tumour.

Anyone else get this? I could just be sitting there and I look around and feel a little dizzy, doesn't happen all the time but every once in a while. Anyone know the cause?

16-10-13, 23:23
Is it maybe a side effect of medication. I had something similar when on a certain antidepressant

17-10-13, 03:48
Oh really?

I'm not on any meds though

17-10-13, 04:09
Oh really?

I'm not on any meds though

Yes I get randomly dizzy sometimes lasts a minute sometimes last few seconds sometimes lasts for days. When I have an anxiety attack I feel extremely faint. Also when I have a hot shower or after my period.
I have had every blood test/ecg/echo/ x ray while these were happening and still no answer.
Turns out I have POTS where fast heartrate = dizziness + fainting. it is basically a more severe version of what most teenage girls have. I cried everyday not knowing why I was so dizzy all the time. I get headrushes of faintness too.

Almost all teenage girls/women suffer from dizziness. Unless you start fainting there's no need to worry and even then fainting happens to almost every female I know, at some point. Don't worry.
brain tumor symptoms are often severe and hard to miss and would more likely involve fits or full blown seizures than 'dizziness'.

17-10-13, 08:04
You've had a lot of problems with dizziness and symptoms related to it Jen - have you gotten anywhere with your doctors to try and figure it out?

When you get these random patches of dizziness what kind of dizziness is it? As in does everything start to spin around you or do you only feel dizzy in your own head? Is there anything that seems to trigger it?

Did you ever look into the TMJ thing? You know that this can cause dizziness by affecting the muscles around your ears or the Eustachian tubes/sinuses.

17-10-13, 09:13

I get a whole variety of dizziness!

I get short snaps of dizziness, a bit like a hypnic jerk type thing... Its really weird, which then scares me and leads to anxiety.

I also get a weird drunk sensation and feel like im off balance and trying to walk on marshmallows..

I also get a weird wave type of dizziness which makes me feel weird! Its like a pressure type of dizziness which makes me feel a bit sick and not to good :(

I also get really bad dizziness when I lye down, especially when I've got in from work..

I have had 2 MRI's all clear, seen a neuro and a cardiologist and been given the all clear and discharged from them.. All falls down to anxiety im afraid :( its hard to tell yourself this, I've suffered with it for a year now and its ruined my life but I am trying to get back on track :)


17-10-13, 16:39
Fedup have you spoken to anyone about BPPV or going for vestibular rehabilitation therapy? Or have you had an ENT look at your inner ear? Seriously a VRT therapist can check what parts of your balance system is weak and help you get rid of some of those symptoms. It's really worth looking into for someone who struggles so much with dizziness.

Have a look at vestibular.org - it's an excellent site for information and awareness for people struggling with balance problems.

Balance & anxiety are all tied in together, when you're off balance it will spark anxiety off in your body because your brain is getting mixed signals from your balance system. With symptoms like yours it's really worth looking at VRT to see if it can help.

17-10-13, 19:10
I had my first episode of this when I was 23. Scared the hell out of me and set me on the anxiety road. I am now 51 and have got used to them. I can go months without experiencing this and then sometimes I have 2 or 3 attacks in a week. They last only seconds and come on without warning. Sometimes if I'm sat at my desk at work I have to grab onto the desk as I feel like I am being turned upside down. Never got to the bottom of it. Like you I worried about brain tumour. Had an MRI 10 years ago which was clear. To be honest I've become immune to the effects now. I know it will pass quickly and don't let it trouble me. I know it's hard to accept its just one of those things and it took time for me to come to terms with this. I now put it down to posture or maybe some sort of tension in the neck. Either way, it's not done me any harm. Try not to let it worry you.

18-10-13, 13:09
Hi Honeylove...

Ive had balance testing done which included tests for BPPV, caloric testing.. all sorts...

They can't find anything wrong :( They said one of my ears was slightly abnormal but nothing worrying... They didn't really recommend the next steps.. I think it may be slight BPPV and also just anxiety! They have also mentioned disembarkment syndrome from when I flew back from Japan, as it all started when I landed from that flight! x

18-10-13, 13:14
You have to remind yourself that dizziness is a very common symptom of anxiety, common as dog muck. It does not mean that you have a brain tumour, it means you are anxious. Adrenaline does weird and wonderful things to your body, but the more you think about them the more frequent they'll become.

Female healthanxiety
18-10-13, 16:09
Everyday!!! This is one of my main symptom with Health Anxiety and I kow its not in my head - i have had endless tests - blood tests, ct scan - all clear.

Its funny I have suffered with HA for over 12 years and have only ever had this symptom in the last 2 years...

It happens more when i do not have enough sleep...


27-10-13, 11:40
Hi Jenny, everyone tries hard to make sense of their own physical and psychological experiences and we can easily misinterpret one symptom or another... from psychological point of view (I know no other actually :)) it is logical that a fleeting thought about something scary or dangerous (e.g., brain tumour) could cause certain physical sensations. It is the most likely to occur when you are alone, sit down and have the time to think :) Depending on how 'scary' the thought was to you the stronger and sudden the unusual physical feeling could be! Sometimes you may think of something 'moderately scary', but then you notice the physical sensation in yourself, then get more scared about it and the sensation grows in intensity... Anxiety can be confusing, can't it? :D

01-11-13, 19:36
Thanks so much for the advice guys!!

01-11-13, 19:40
I wake up in the middle of the night and the room is spinning. This happens when I am anxious about something happening the next day.

01-11-13, 19:41
It crazy how anxiety can make you feel that way!

01-11-13, 19:47
Yep, I certainly do. Never actually attributed it to anything, it just happens now and then.

04-11-13, 20:48
Omg this could so be me writing I don't take meds and experience all of those off balance light head dizzy fuzzy feelings and panic every time def worse at time of month I hate it get so scared then mind runs away with itself.....I so understand

11-11-13, 22:54
Hey guys. Once again I feel slightly dizzy, especially when I move around. I wasn't anxious so I don't know :(. I also feel slight head pressure, ugh. So scared it's a brain tumour.

25-06-14, 18:13
Fed up I am identical to you,I hate it scares me every time ,I often feel if I didn't feel off balance etc I wouldn't e anxious

25-06-14, 18:51
Everyone gets this once in a while; anxiety seems to make it worse. :)