View Full Version : god i feel so depressed

17-10-13, 09:22
Last week or so now iv felt so god dam depressed..waking up its instantly there and stays with me all bloody day..my anxiety is at a constant level daily..just not getting a break from any of it..i feel hopless and down....iv tried to help myself as much as i can.im still going to my day ADTU service daily but just sit around there with heavy depression and high anxiety all day..im in a world of my own..really cant take it anymore...i dont even get pockets of feeling ok at any time..just a low dull numb feeling that seems to be getting worse as the days go by...:mad:

17-10-13, 18:35
Sorry to hear things still not good for you Greg, as I keep saying to myself on a daily basis things can only get better and they surely will for us one day, but we have to keep fighting as hard as it is until then other wise the beast will win and buggered if we can let that happen. :bighug1:

17-10-13, 18:44
I too am sorry Greg, thought things were getting better.
Just keep going :hugs:

17-10-13, 18:45
Have you spoken to any of the ADTU staff about how bad you feel? What other support are you getting since you spoke to the Crisis team?

17-10-13, 19:17
I agree with Annie, Greg you really need to make the staff aware of how bad you're feeling so as they can help you more :)

If you go tomorrow, I'd definitely have a chat with them and see what they can do to help you :hugs:

18-10-13, 08:44
Iv spoken to my support team in ADTU but they havnt offered any kind of medication suport they have just talked to me etc and i am atending the daily suport groups that they are offering but nothing seems to be helping me at the moment..my morning anxiety seems to be getting worse as the days go by.and the heavy feeling every morning is getting more intence..just dont know what to do..i wont be at ADTU for ever and may soon be discharged and back to my life at my sisters of just sitting around every day..i just feel so scared as my life is feeling worse as the days go by

18-10-13, 19:32
Hi Greg. Sorry to hear you feel like crap.

If the depression is in your face all day, that means it's within slapping distance. There are a few options for you to start your journey back to good health.

First of all, I'd say that if you are experiencing a mixed state of anx and dep, consider whether the depression is just a consequence of sustained anxiety. Anyone who's been through anxiety hell will tell you their interests and passions disappeared - hard to enjoy a relaxing read of your favorite book when you are on the edge of terror - so it occurs that maybe when some people are told they're suffering from a depression disorder, they are actually reacting normally to fear.

If your symptoms are controlling your life than a three-tier approach might help: therapy, self-help (practiced every day) and medication. If you feel meds will help, stand up to the people who need to prescribe it as they will want justification. Consider mirtazapine which will improve your sleep, but it may also upgrade your appetite to Hungry Hippo levels.

In therapy, see if you can find out whether you suffer primarily from anx or dep, or if they are equal. From your first post I'd say anx may be the underlying problem. You can then treat the causative issues first and you will eventually see other symptoms start to clear up on their own.

Decent therapists will have access to attention and behavioral tests which are quick and easy, and which will accurately tell you whether you are anx or dep, and whether your problems are caused by external factors, or are internal (personality traits). You will then have a very strong basis for developing coping strategies and eventually you'll be flagging the anx and dep off as you leave them behind.

18-10-13, 19:41
Greg I wish there was something I could do or say to help you, I am really sorry that things are not getting better for you. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: