View Full Version : Struggling this morning

piglits pal
31-10-06, 08:51
Thought I was doing ok this week.

In the last 6 weeks 4 different doctors have examined my breast and all of them have said they are fine.

So why am I still so scared? :(

31-10-06, 09:11
Hi there - sorry to hear you are struggling this morning.

I think sometimes we get an idea in our heads and it just refuses to go!I speak from experience believe me! Sometimes my weird and wonderful symptoms only disappear when a new one comes along.Usually worse than the last one and then of course I wish I had the old one back and would be happy then - as if lol!

I too had the breast worry back in 1998 now and when I finally built up the courage to go to the docs he said he could feel a lump! I was horrified and went home to plan my final few weeks on earth being the eternal optimist that I am. When my appointment came through (thankfully I got a quick cancellation) I had an ulrasound scan and there was absolutely nothing wrong - yes there was some gristle (yuck) but nothing that could do me any damage. So even our symtoms that do appear to be true asometimes dont always mean the worst.

Having said that Its not easy to stop worrying but you have been checked over my dear so please try!Take care x

31-10-06, 09:56
I had a breast lump a year ago. I got everyone looking it at - my practice nurse, a nurse at work and my GP. All thought they could feel a small lump and I got referred to the breast clinic. I was expecting a mammo (didn't realise they don't do them for under 35's) or ultrasound, but the consultant just examined me and said she felt nothing abnormal.

I worried for a while afterwards (even though at the time I was very reassured) that she had missed something, but then I realised they are highly trained and highly skilled, and know what they are looking for.

Please try to have some faith that they would not send you away if they had the slightest doubt there was anything wrong.

I'm a fine one to talk though, I get an idea in my head and I can't let go until it's completely destroyed me!

31-10-06, 11:57
Sometimes something scares us so much it takes a while to believe what we are being told. I had heart fears but the source of fear is not really important, the reaction to it is the same.

Don't forget that you are probably still very sensitised in your body. Panic needs sensitisation and fear to stay alive.

It can take up to a couple of months to de-sensitise yourself. And that is even after you have completely accepted you are ok. Exercise can help to de-sensitise quicker.

Every time you get a wobbly day remind yourself that 4 different doctors have said they are fine. Keep the results with you if you have them or write it down and carry it around with you because you will probably need reassurance now and then.

And just when you are feeling ok you'll probably read something in the paper or see something on TV that reminds you!!!! As soon as this happens tell yourself again that you are ok and try to distract yourself.

Distraction is good. Do something you like that takes your full attention.

And it's the old "give it time" thing again as well. The more time you can spend accepting the new viewpoint that you are ok the easier it will become.

Improvement can appear slow and a bit "one step forward, one back" at times but this is part of it's trick.

Stick at it and every time you get one of these doubts tell yourself straight away that you have been checked over and you are ok. Gradually it will sink in and the reaction will become less.

Good luck with it.

Trev :D

piglits pal
31-10-06, 12:06
Trev that post just made more sense to me than anything any doctor has ever told me.

Thank you.

31-10-06, 14:18
You're welcome.


31-10-06, 14:22
Hope you feel better soon.:D:D:Dxx

Ellen XX