View Full Version : 2nd time around 3rd week.......?!?

jenny kilden
17-10-13, 09:53
Hi all,
Ok so last year I had terrible anxiety completely out of the blue I was so bad I went to the doctors and got cit. I started on 10 then up to 20, I had every side effect goin I was in a bad place, I wanted so bad to get better n feel like me again, I think after 4 months I started to feel more like me. Gradually I got to a point where I felt like 100% me again, I carried on taking cit 20 for around 6 months and then gradually weaned off which went really well, so..... Was feeling good not on cit for 2 months then BAM, started to get all the old symptoms like I did first time this all happend.
Was thinking and worrying that it's all back again so I went back to the dr and got cit again, started in 5 and then upto 10 (which I'm on now) been on 10 for 21 days now and I feel so upset, I just want to cry - I can't believe I'm going through this again. Every morning I have that horrible dread in my stomach and before I open my eyes I feel down. Just so fed up right now, is this a side effect?
Do you think it all came back because I wasn't on it for long enough the first time around? I just keep thinking that I'm going to be like this forever, I just want to sleep and never wake up.
It's so hard because I felt so good only a few months ago,
I'm sorry about this long post but I really need some reasurance, which I can't seem to give myself! I've been thru this once before and come out the other end, but going thru it all again it just so awful.
Please can someone give some kind words of advice and encouragement x
Thank you Jenny x

17-10-13, 10:05
Hi jenny. I hear u. I've been on cit for 10 yrs and had a relapse a couple of moths ago where all my depression/anxiety returned. I was on 20mg but now am on day 11 of 40mg. Maybe another visit to your gp to up the dose? I found 10mg did nothing to help, 20mg stabilised me for ten yrs but now I guess abit more is needed to ave an effect. Hang on in there x