View Full Version : Can anyone help

Mustang 1
17-10-13, 09:56
Ive had generalised anxiety for about 13 years, which I have kept in remission by anti-depressants, with occasional flare ups, but was just a case of upping the dose and a week later it would calm down, hence drop the dose back down.

But in August in flared and has been a problem ever since, my doctor put me on Prozac for 6 weeks but this did not really do much, then I was put on Venlafaxine which I have just started. My anxiety comes in the night so I wake at 4.30, with mild anxiety then at 7.30 with palpatations churning stomach, so no more sleep is possible. My doctor was given me diazepam 5mg to take before a go to bed with the anti-depresant this has helped somewhat so I stop and diazepam, but still wake up at the hours Ive given last night I probably had 1 hours sleep. Im currently off work, but keep fit eat properly, and had some councilling and some REBT which I paid for. But my anxiety is still giving me real problems the symptoms only receding late in the evening, I m only hoping that this new medication will alleviate the symptoms somewhat. Ive lost two stone in weight since this all started.
Can anyone else give me some advice, lack of sleep is running me ragged. Any replies would be much appreciated.
Thank you

17-10-13, 12:25
I am on Venlafaxine and it has helped me so much. But I did have some issues with sleep when I first started it.

If you are not sleeping at night, just for now maybe have a sleep during the day if you can. It will get better once the meds kick in.

I wish you all the best and hope that the Ven helps you.

Kitti :)

Mustang 1
17-10-13, 14:30
Thank you did it reduce you anxiety right down?

Mustang 1

17-10-13, 14:53
Yes it did, but it took about 6 weeks for me to start feel the real benefits. For me the side effects were minimal and bearable and well worth going through for the difference it has made to my anxiety and mood.

One thing I will say is don't be in a rush to up your dose...I started on 37.5mg a day and increased to 75mg after 4 weeks. I am now on 112.5mg a day and this seems to suit me very well.

Oh, and by the way I lost 3 stone in weight when I was at my worst :ohmy: This has now stabilised and thankfully I have now put a little back on!!

Good luck, Kitti :)

Mustang 1
17-10-13, 18:14
When I was doing the changeover from Prozac to venlafaxine I started to feel a lot better and thought Im turning a corner here, but since I have been purely on the venlafaxine I feel more anxious than ever, its the old case of them making you feel worse initially before getting better I guess.

Mustang 1

17-10-13, 18:26
Yes I think so, also cross tapering...so some withdrawal from the Prozac as well as start up effects of Venlafaxine.

Did your doctor give you any diazepam to help with the changeover? I know they do sometimes and it might help with the increased anxiety at this time.

Stay positive if you can and give it some time to settle.

Mustang 1
06-11-13, 19:07
Thank you for your advice, Venlafaxine has started me to feel better, I hope the process continues.