View Full Version : Doctor said I'm ok, but how do I think that?

17-10-13, 12:12
Hi everyone! So lately I've been struggling with the though of me having MS, and I finally went to my doctor cause I have been having a sorta tingling sensation in my left hand and now it's been going on for almost a week now. When I went to my doctor I explained my fears of me having MS I went in June for an MRI and he looked again and confirmed that there were no legions on my brain and he said there would be legions on my brain. I still have my symptoms and am wondering does anyone know how long my anxiety would keep up these symptoms for. Can this last a long time till my body excepts that I am fine? I also have not been eating very much food or drinking very much for about a month. I've been stressed straight through for a month and with little food and not that much sleep and long long hours at work like 12 hours days sometimes which dosent help my health. Wanted to know from you what u think. The doctor had reassured me now it's up to me to believe it. How to you but that into your mind?

Please give me some feed back!!


17-10-13, 12:36
One only need read your post to understand why you don't feel much better.

1. You suffer from anxiety.
2. Lack of proper nutrition and hydration.
3. Sleep deprivation.
4. Stress and long hours at your job.

1+2+3+4= Feel like crappola! ;) Fix #2, #3 and #4 and #1 will get better too.

Good Luck!

17-10-13, 12:39
Thank you!!:hugs: