View Full Version : Really annoying virus thing...

17-10-13, 13:50
There's something going round, isn't there? Ugh. I had a kind of sore throat type feeling along with headache and temperature on and off for a couple of weeks before it developed into a cold kind of thing - a fairly mild one admittedly, but the usual sneezes and bunged up nose for a few days. Bunged up feeling seems to be gradually passing (still sneezing well) but back to feeling a bit dodgy in the throat area. I know other people in my office have had various vaguely cold-like viruses - some people have just felt off colour for weeks, others have had full-on cold symptoms for a fortnight, etc - but starting to get irritating now. Saw a couple of friends on Facebook saying they'd had those kind of symptoms for ages and someone observed 'half of southern England has this!'. So basically - chances are if you're in the south of England and you've got vague cold/flu virus type symptoms... it's probably just a b*stardy virus and nothing worth worrying about :D

17-10-13, 19:37
Yep, my partner and our son had it for 2-3 weeks and it literally knocked us for six. It started off pretty slow, and then about 5-6 days after we first felt a bit poorly it really hit hard.

22-10-13, 14:20
Still not feeling 100% :(

Trying not to worry about it as it really does seem like there's something going round, but I still feel a bit headachey and I think my glands are a bit up, and I still have a catchy throat/slight cough. Plus for a while now I've been sweating at night - not properly soaking or anything, but definitely waking up a bit hot and sweaty, more like just when the room's too hot in summer or whatever, except that it's not that warm at the moment! Ugh.

I'd know if it was something sinister, right?

Tilly Flop
22-10-13, 14:29
Nice cup of tea - slippers and pj's on and snuggle.

22-10-13, 14:56
That's the problem, I think - I just haven't been able to do the usual 'sod it, I need a few days off with honey and lemon, pyjamas and bad TV'. Far too busy - not just at work, but also in life. Some family stuff going on - some good (cousin's wedding this coming weekend), some bad (lost a great aunt recently), some just stressful (helping my mum move house, boyfriend's parents visiting...). And because I'm not that obviously unwell - I'm not all bunged up or coughing up my lungs or whatever - I'm finding it harder to say 'no, really can't do that, I need time to recover'. Can't imagine that's helping at all :S Might see how I go over this weekend and if I'm still feeling rubbish I'll take some time off the week after...

22-10-13, 17:00
Hi guys, yes this is definitely going around. My other half gave it to me! Rather have it now as were getting married in few weeks.
Anyway. My panic is not that it is anything sinister - I am happy that it is just a cold.
But my problem is that this morning at work I had not felt well at all. Then went to a meeting that I needed to chair and had an overwhelming rush of panic. I wonder if it was because the cold symptoms are similar to my panic? I have not had an attack in ages and am off meds (not my first attempt). When I feel like that I instantly think 'its back again' 'I wont be able to work'. I went back to work and did get through it but managed to take this afternoon off. I hope because I am unwell.not because I am letting it win and running away.

Does anyone else find this can happen when you are under the weather? I had been so pleased with my progress this caught me rigjt off guard. Any tips for not letting this panic attack take over everything - it has come in waves since and I have gone from feeling all consumed and scared by it to talking myself down.


22-10-13, 18:06
I'm sure it's because you're under the weather. You said you weren't feeling at all well before so might it just be that whatever virus thing it is made you feel a bit faint and funny (or something), and because you kind of associate that with panic attacks it ended up feeling like that? I've not felt especially faint or anything with mine but I know people who have - and there was a thing about some virus going round the X Factor 'camp' and making some people faint as well. It sounds positive to me if you've already managed to talk yourself down a bit. Tell yourself it's the bug and that you'll be fine once you've shaken it off. If you've got what my other half and I have got, though, it might be a while before you feel normal again :( I almost think we've had two different viruses - an ordinary cold one plus something else. Terrible though it sounds, as long as the other half is still complaining of feeling under the weather as well, I'm much less worried about feeling rubbish myself!!