View Full Version : Travelling Overseas and worried I have meningitis.

17-10-13, 14:31
I'm currently traveling in japan from Australia. I've been here 4 days and for the last two I've had a sore neck and shoulders and headache from time to time.

My temperature is a solid 36.7 and I can touch my chin to my chest just fine. Would I have worse symptoms by now? I've been out and about for both days with no problems. I am worried that when I fall asleep I won't wake up...

17-10-13, 14:35
I think you would be more ill by now, but I am not a doctor. From what I have read meningitis comes on quickly. If you have been travelling a lot it could be that your aches and pains are related to that - maybe postural. Mae sure you are drinking plenty of water as its one thing that's easy to overlook when you are travelling and that can cause a headache. Have a great time in Japan!

17-10-13, 15:22
A doctor once told me there's a reason why even people who hate hospitals end up going when they have meningitis - because they are seriously ill and there's absolutely no mistaking it.

You would have a very high fever and a headache so severe that any light would really hurt your eyes.You would be so weak you wouldnt be able to type your message let alone walk around and carry things. Your knees would buckle. I remember I had a virus it was years ago but I couldnt walk and I tried to get my shopping in and collapsed. Walking down the road seemed like a trek through the Saharan desert. I couldn't lift a bag of sugar. You would have to have to have that level of weakness. Even then, that was just a regular virus. So I imagine meningitis would be even worse.

Trust me, you would know if you were that ill. The symptoms are severe and can't be ignored.

Japan is a very clean country. It would be different if you were in Thailand or South America. Your body is probably slightly jetlagged and adjusting to all the new foreign germs. But that doesn't mean you'll get sick. Enjoy your holiday. I would LOVE to go to Japan!

17-10-13, 15:53
Sore neck and shoulders and headache sounds more like travel fatigue, perhaps some sort of muscular thing or something. I'm sure you'd feel worse if you had meningitis!