View Full Version : hi folks newbie in the room

17-10-13, 21:44
hi folks im new on here and thought id introduce myself.i have health anxiety and am getting obsessed with it now.i do have health problems and it seems that even with the fact you genuinely have something wrong you seem to blow it all out of proportion...well i do anyway .ive had ongoing digestive issues for 18 months and a very very stressful year ,moving house,daughter moved back in money issues job issues and tears nearly every day through one thing and another.i have had test after test to find out what is wrong with my insides all coming back negative except for the latest one which has shown up gallbladder sludge.to which i have agreed to have it removed ,however this is not straightforward for me as i am paranoid about the op and the after effects etc etc...my mom dad and sister have all had theirs removed so it seems its a genetic link somewhere,but i cant help but look up online about alternatives to having it out and i find nutritionists online saying dont do it you need this organ !!! i have really bad chest and back pains and whats feels like gastritis at the moment or an ulcer....or several ulcers....see where this leads... doctors given me omeprazole but i cant bring myself to take them as i have read so many horror stories of people being on them for life etc life is very grim at the moment emotionally physically mentally and i am drained i am waking up in the night at 4am with stomach pain and acid and come down and sit with a ho****er bottle and have some porridge just to supress the acid ....i am lost :(

Mrs Mul
21-10-13, 20:21
What a shame, this sounds awful. I do know from experience that stress and anxiety tend to exacerbate gastric problems. Bit of a catch 22! I had gastric reflux induced by anxiety. I did take omeprazole for 2 weeks to allow my gut to heal from the damage the acid had caused. It did help. X