View Full Version : family issues triggering anxiety

17-10-13, 21:48
Hi there.

recently gone back home to stay with my mum, and our relationship is strained. we've always been close but i guess in the last few years our relationship has become damaged, mainly i believe due to her separation from her second husband and her love of wine. she says hurtful things to me a lot, especially if shes been drinking, such as that I wrecked her life, i'm a bitch, i belong in the gutter, no wonder (an ex) broke up with me - generally things about being useless and needing to sort my life out. she's never apologised for anything horrible she's said. tonight she's made me break down in tears and she just mocks me by imitating my crying and telling me to shut up and that i'm a victim. am i a victim? are all mothers like this to their daughters/sons? whats worse is that she 100% won't see any reason. she sees herself at the one whos being attacked and picked on, and doesn't see anything wrong in the way she treats me. she knows the main reason i came back home is because i've had some difficult issues lately and needed support but she hasn't even asked me whats going on. she genuinely does not care. that said sometimes she is overly loving and caring but these angry outbursts seem to be getting more and more common.

what do i do? i have a loving and supportive boyfriend who i thank god for everyday, but life without a mothers support is hard. is it my fault? am i being a victim?

advice would be helpful xxx

17-10-13, 21:52
I'm so sorry you're going through this.

It is not your fault, and this is not normal behaviour for a mother.

Do you have any way you can move out? A friend whose sofa you can sleep on? Another relative who might take you in?

17-10-13, 21:54
im only staying here temporarily, i'm going back to london soon. I just feel so guilty - I feel like i'm abandoning my family and that they will think i don't love them. I feel like its all my fault and that i'm a terrible person...

18-10-13, 08:25
I'm pleased to hear you will be moving out soon.

You are not abandoning anyone. Adult children do not stay with their parents forever. Some even emigrate abroad! You don't deserve this treatment from your mother, and I think you will find your confidence will improve once there's some space between you.