View Full Version : Can't make sense of things...again.

17-10-13, 22:59
I keep telling myself over and over again that this is derealisation, but I'm just not convinced.

At the moment I just can't make sense of clothes. I can name them, feel them, even somehow wear them, but I can't seem to understand them.

It's a really weird feeling to describe. I see the shape, the collars, the designs in sleeves etc and I just can't fathom how they are so perfectly formed.

Then again I sometimes get the same thing with other objects, and don't understand how they are able to exist without manipulation.

Then again I'm not even sure I exist. It doesn't feel like it's me communicating to people, I don't really listen half the time but still manage to answer which feels insane.

I feel like I am getting stupider day by day like I'm brain damaged or something.

Seriously is this STILL just anxiety?

22-10-13, 23:47
107 people can't help me? :(

23-10-13, 00:25
i have derealisation constantly I've had it for years!! I have it where i look in the mirror and it doesn't feel like im looking at myself and when i see people i feel disconnected from them.. I also have crazy thoughts about how things are made like the universe its the strangest feeling. Inbox me if u wanna have a chat about it as I've had it for so long I've found though lack of sleep and dehydration makes it worse.