View Full Version : agorophobia

lesley mitchell
31-10-06, 10:34
hello my name is lesley and i have had agorophobia for 30+ years. i was introduced to this sight by my son scott, who is a member. i am feeling very guilty after reading his input as i feel i am to blame. uptill about 5 years ago i was unable to go very far. i am lucky that my job is only 3 doors from my home, so i have been able to carry on working. last year my husband had cancer and this was the incentive i needed to get out. for the first time ever i went on a long train journey to catch the ferry to ireland to see my daughter then flew home. then i flew to see my son in scotland. i went with my husband who although alright with my panics has never really understood and leaves me alone to get on with it. i will say though if anybody had told me a few years ago i would do what i did last year i would not have belived them. the one thing that kept me going was remembering a chapter headline which said "feel the fear and do it anyway". plus naturacalm tablets and relaxation tapes.
hope this might help anyone who thinks there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

31-10-06, 10:37
Hi Lesley,

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice and make new friends on the way !:D



31-10-06, 11:30
Hi Lesley,

A big warm welcome to you. Everyone here is lovely and we are all here for each other so we don't feel alone.

Take Care


31-10-06, 12:05
Welcome Lesley.

I'm newish here and I think it is a great source of hope and help. Looking forward to your contributions.


Laisez les bon temp roulez

31-10-06, 18:36
Hi Lesley,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

31-10-06, 19:00
Hi Lesley,

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


01-11-06, 02:15
Hi Lesley,

Welcome to the site, you will meet some wonderful people here. You will never feel alone now that you are a member, I know I haven't. Here for you if you need me.

Hugs to you


Remember tomorrow is a bright new day

01-11-06, 17:47
hi lesley

welcome to the forum

you are in the right place

try chat out!


01-11-06, 20:53
hi Lesley, big warm welcome to nomorepanic[^] Iam also an Agoraphobic like yourself.


01-11-06, 22:12
Super post Lesley and welcome to the site :D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-11-06, 11:13
Hi Lesley, my mother was diagnosed as Agoraphobic over 30 years ago like you. I had it for some years. She never got help and just struggled through with as much avoidance as possible. To this day she suffers. We have an elderly relative in hospital and i drive her there and back. She sits by the bed side and won't even go as far as the toilet till i return sometimes 5 1/2 hours later. I don't think any of her friends are aware she has this problem, she hides it well - but it does devalue her in front of people as she refuses to do things everyone else does.
My dad, brothers and sister obviously know of the diagnoses all those years ago but also have no idea of the effects to this day (she's divorced). They think she is uncaring and very selfish but i understand having 'been there' and i'm the only one who sees her every week (almost every day).
My agoraphobia was largely due to her, but as i got older it helped me become more loving and understanding of all people. I look around and all i see are slfish hurtful people out for themselves. It is especially sad that families that no love either these days. But phobia sufferers, generally are much more loving, calmer and caring. Perhaps this descibes you very well? And perhaps your son?
Not all is doom and gloom in the world of phobia. It actually can be very positive in many lives. Love to all readers, Paul.

Love to all members