View Full Version : Not in a good place at the moment.

18-10-13, 09:20
I have been suffering with constant lower abdominal pain for a while now.. I was taking 40mg citalopram so I put it down to that and decided to come off it to see if the pain went away.. Instead of tapering off, I just took 20 for a few system then come off cold turkey, off my own back. This was around July time.

A few weeks back, I started suffering with bad anxiety again an the doctors put me on 20mg citalopram.

How long will it take to get in my system again? Will it even work again? I took it last Tuesday. Thanks.

18-10-13, 09:37
Hi Hannah. These blooming tablets eh?! It takes a while for them to work but in the meantime you have to remain as strong as you can and patient. I'm on day 12 of upping my dose from 20 to 40mg and believe me it's like being on a roller coaster. But u have to rain positive ( it's very hard I know ) that there will be a light at the end. Hang on in there x