View Full Version : Burning tongue

18-10-13, 10:04
Does anyone suffer with burning mouth or tongue and know what the heck it is? I constantly feel like my mouth is dry but it isn't actually dry if that makes sense. Plenty of saliva. I feel like I need to drink all the time. My mouth and tongue burns. Sometimes in different parts. I'm not diabetic as I've had tests so not sure what it is or what to do about it!

18-10-13, 10:33

I suffer from something similar, try looking at " burning mouth syndrome"

I got a taste in my mouth constant used to be metalic now can't put a name to it. My tongue can feel sore and dry and also my palate. I've had it 8 mths and it's horrible brings me down some days because it gets to me.

My psych says it's part of anxiety/depression, don't know if you suffer from this ? Are you on any AD's ?
Oral consultant said nothing wrong with my mouth to put my mind at ease and burning mouth syndrome.

So looks like I'm stuck with it, would be interested to see if you get rid let us know

18-10-13, 10:34
No not on any meds. Might mention it to the dentist as I'm going soon.