View Full Version : Nooooo

18-10-13, 10:58
I've been having pains in my side .... Sorry but this is gross, I had a very big BM this morning and I saw blood on it but I am on my monthly I've convinced myself the blood was on the BM .......I'm sick of my life and worrying

18-10-13, 11:18
INCREDIBLY likely to be that. The pains were probably the BM moving along.

Anyway - better out than in! :ohmy:

18-10-13, 12:52
If it was Big as you say then you can cause a fissure passing it and that could bleed

18-10-13, 12:55
Nothing to worry about, just plain ol' movements ;)

18-10-13, 13:38
Got terrible gurgling sounds I'm driving myself insane , convinced it's the big c .....thank you so much for messaging me back , I can't talk to anyone about this I only have my daughters (she's 24) can't talk to her about it ,

18-10-13, 13:40
It's because you're anxious. When you're anxious your body releases adrenaline, which speeds up your digestive system, hence the movements and gurgling. Keep reminding yourself that it is only anxiety and it will begin to settle.

26-11-13, 12:49
Thank you for the replies

26-11-13, 13:10
Oh I always see blood when I am on my period and I wipe after having a BM.


I asked my friend and she does too. Totally normal. The blood seeps into around the back passage when you push.