View Full Version : Asperger's and anxiety

31-10-06, 12:02
I could not see much information on this website about asperger's. Here goes it could be possible that my anxiety is a result of undiagnosed asperger's. I am also exploring other possibilities, got lots of professional's involved. It may sound crazy, this one definitely is not a health anxiety, this is something that makes a lot of sense and provides me with relief. This could be who I am.

31-10-06, 16:44
That does not sound crazy at all. My youngest boy is currently being checked for anxiety and ADHD or Aspergers. The psychiatrist says he needs time to tell if the anxiety comes from the illness, or if the symptoms of the illness come from the anxiety.
So that sure makes a lot of sense to me.
Hope you get some answers soon and that it will help you along the way.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

01-11-06, 21:48
This scares me guys, what is aspergers?


02-11-06, 13:12
Aspergers shouldn't be frightening, GAD. I know two young boys - brothers - who have been diagnosed with Aspergers. Both are very intelligent and kind boys. There could be some anxiety associated with Aspergers, I imagine, just because social awkwardness is one of the primary symptoms, but there is some amazing work being done here in the States with - believe it or not - special eyeglasses. Aspergers sufferers often have difficulty interpreting the subtile nuances of facial expressions, but I have heard several stories of people who have been diagnosed with Aspergers and who found it to be a very liberating and relief-filled experience. Good luck to you!!

02-11-06, 21:28
I agree, it's nothing to be scared of. Aspergers is an illness that makes it difficult to relate to other people in a proper way. But with the right help, these people can live full and happy lives.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

02-11-06, 22:50
I would say that asperger's is not an illness, but rather a different way of thinking, it can cause related problems which can be treated such as anxiety by support. It is part of who your are, like the x-men!!! May or may not have it do not know, but if I have I will not change who I am. Just fix my anxiety as best I can and by understanding myself that will be the first step.

03-11-06, 09:05
Hi Mandy, :D

How are you today?

We all have paths we have to down, to understand orselves a little more. I do hope you find the answers you are looking for.

Its dame hard working searching for answers, what triggers are anxiety. I found my answers. I may feel a little sad at what I found, but it was an answer and now I can move forward. Look more to the future and learn how to changed my learned behavour.

Wishing you well,


03-11-06, 17:42
I am really well today, feel a bit more like myself, though a bit hyper! Had lunch with a colleague and ex-colleague, was nice. Bought two DVD's gonna sit down and watch them soon. I have my first councelling session this week, plus my assessment at pychology's cbt Dept and just waiting for the cpn. Now I am getting the help I need I can stop stressing my friends and work colleagues out. Starting to see my strengths, who I am. Going to get out and start doing creative writing classes at the support group I have joined for people with mental health issues. Got creative writing, facial massages and stress managent I will be doing over the next month. Lots of possitive stuff.

03-11-06, 17:50
Mandy, that sounds nice - writing, massage... two of my favorite things! [8D]

03-11-06, 21:04
Hi Mandy, :D

Its good to hear you are feeling well today :D It sounds like you had a great day.

Your positive attatude will get you were you want to be and that is feeling better.

I think a change of user name is in order here, your Mandy, NOT Mentalmandy.

Let us know how things are going.

Good Luck with everything.



May your troubles be less
and your blessing be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door.

03-11-06, 21:23
I think a bit of an explanation of mental mandy is needed. I was given the name at colleage, affectionately, for being the off-the wall, funny, up for a laugh girl that I used to be. Like making up a new drinking game at college, drink monopoly and drink mario party for example, dancing on the kitchen work tops, always wanting to have fun and being a kid at heart and also caring and loving. You see mentalmandy is who I can be and that is Mandy. I had a door sign made by a good friend I met at college (we still in touch now and always will be). I usually change the username when i am being 'mental' if that makes sense. As I have become ill I have felt unsure about using it, but its part of who I am. I do get ill and I have had with people who do not understand what they do not see with there own two eyes (those that criticise me because they do not understand me or do not recognise that I know myself better than anyone could I know my own mind and I am intelligent I am not stupid). Thanks this is a wicked sight.

Got my first councelling session this week, followed by a creative writing class (going to use one of my strengths as a hobby) lets see what comes of it. Then got my assessment for CBT. Then I got a date next week. I know who my true friends are, those that understand me and get me. One friend is a star. One guy at work, saved my life 7 months ago but he does not know this. Life is peachy and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

03-11-06, 21:35
Hi Mentalmandy [^]:D[8D]

Sorry I got it wrong [:I] its just that on a site like this, there name refects how they feel.

Hay, great name [^]:D you sound like a fun person to go out with, want to go for a drink LOL [:P]

You keep using your name, it was given to you bacasue you are a great person to be with, this name has all your fum memories. One day soon mentalmandy will be back in full force and I hope that day comes very soon.

YOU TAKE CARE and thank you for explaining [^]:D


04-11-06, 14:13
I will be the person I am, its me make-up. Yea drink, excepr can't drink at the moment (*not a bad thing!), got wasted last weekend at a halloween party and was a bit daft and got anxiety afterwards worrying about what I got up to. So back on the wagon for again bar hum bug, I had fun at that party and there were no issues later. So it was all good. Off to work soon, oh what fun fire works and all that today. Where in the country you at Jill, PM me ya more than welcome chat some more.