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View Full Version : really sore gum area

18-10-13, 11:54
my last back tooth in upper area, the outside part of the gum is SO sore.. like when i touch it it really hurts, and it's pretty much a constant mild throbbing pain.
I have had my wisdom teeth (upper) taken out already so cant be that.
theres no sign or swelling or anything when i try to look, just sore.

18-10-13, 12:14
Could just be the start of a mouth ulcer (I get mouth ulcers when I'm run down, stressed, or ill, and they often start with just a really sore patch), or else you caught it on something you ate or by overenthusiastic brushing - you wouldn't necessarily notice at the time. Worst case scenario I suppose it might be an abscess but if it's not visibly swollen that doesn't seem hugely likely. If it gets worse or doesn't go away you might want to go to the dentist just to double check it's not an abscess...

18-10-13, 12:41
If it's the outer part of the gum that's sore, it's not so likely to be an abscess. Abscesses form underneath the root of the tooth, and can be incredibly painful, although the area of the actual infection is tiny.

Soreness may be more likely to be due to periodontal gum infection, where bacteria from plaque have moved down into gum pockets around the tooth, and set up a localised gum infection.

The only person who can help you here is your dentist. Yes, see this person today and on a regular basis for the rest of your life.

18-10-13, 13:00
Make sure you're brushing your teeth properly. It could be a sign that you're not brushing properly or one of those things that come and go. If it's still there after a few days get some Corsidil (sp?) mouthwash, it's medicinal.

20-10-13, 00:56
I had a look in the sore area with a light and viola, i found the root of cause, however, i don't know what it exactly is... it looks like a cut from where the edge of the upper gum connects to your cheek.
I cannot think of anything that may have caused this. On another thread i mentioned i had a fever for 2 days, today it has been okay thank god, stomach cramps and nearly gone too, however still passing watery stools more frequent than normal but less than what i was yesterday.
Could this cut be due to low immune system? with the fever and all?

I also saw my urine was green...which i googled obviously and it said bacteria in the blood....which got me worried, i then realised i am colour blind which probably means my urine was cloudy white ( i presume )

Daisy Sue
20-10-13, 01:27
Is this on the same side as the pain you're getting in your neck (other thread) ??

If so, it could well be connected. I'd probably go show the doc if I were you, just in case you need antibiotics.

20-10-13, 01:36
yeah, it is on the same side.

20-10-13, 02:11
Could well be related then. You can get swollen glands on the side of a dental/gum problem. I had it when my wisdom extraction got infected.x

20-10-13, 08:54
Sounds like a dental problem, I'm going through similar. Saw my dentist yesterday and have infected old root canal, now on antibiotics and then medication put into root canal next week.If your really worried maybe worth going to a walk in centre or out of hours dentist, hope this helps a bit, things always seem worse if you can't sleep and happen at the weekend.