View Full Version : Don't know what to do- chemical exposure

18-10-13, 14:09
I need some advice. I just started a great job working in an aquarium shop! I love it- I love the people, the fish, the whole environment is very soothing and it's not too busy so I don't get overly anxious with so many people around. But we medicate the fish constantly and I'm worried about the chemicals and the constant exposure. Some of these chemicals are lethal and possibly carcinogenic- the msds sheets scared the shit out of me!!! So I could just where gloves right? And for a non-hypochondriac that would be enough but not for me- I'm worried about it splashing on my clothes and shoes (which it does as I have to catch fish) and then I worry about taking it home with me and bringing it into contact with loved ones. I'm heartbroken at the thought of quiting a job I love, of letting anxiety ruin another part of my life but I don't know if I can handle it day in and day out. And if I quit then what? I don't like most retail places as I get anxious around too many people like in shopping centres. I just finished uni studying microbiology but I'm not even sure if a want to persue it because of the lab environment and the possible exposure to chemicals etc. I just don't know what to do- I'm not enjoying my life anymore and it's breaking me up inside, why can't I just live now and stop worrying about the future?

18-10-13, 14:44
I'm sure the quantity of these chemicals are very small, because if they could be dangerous to a human imagine what it would do to a fish!

Speak to your manager about the chemicals you use and what precautions you should take when handling them.

18-10-13, 17:36
Fish are very sensitive and have completely different systems from ours.

For instance, warfarin is toxic to rats in tiny doses. But humans take large doses sometimes all their lives without adverse effects.

If you're scared you should just wear disposable plastic gloves and discard them before coming home. And ask your boss :)

your job sounds so cool! :D