View Full Version : So I've had my scan

18-10-13, 14:22
Hi guys back in May/ June time I kept getting random pains in my ovary area and back , I went to the doc and he said want concerned, that didn't console me and I obsessed and obsessed , I went back and they agreed to send me for an ultrasound, the lady who did it said everything looked clear and to book an appointment with my gp in 2 weeks, stupidly I didn't and I have never got the results officially, miraculously the pains disappeared until 2 days ago I kept getting a random sort if stabbing pain in my ovary area and today my back and stomach feel like period pains, I'm worried it's bowel, colon or ovarian cancer, I'm 33 and wasting my life :(I've also been losing blood like at the start of a period but it never starts properly :(

18-10-13, 14:33
Hi hun,

Well, I think you doubtless know already that the only way you are going to know anything is by getting the results of the scan. If the sonographer said everything looks clear, I doubt she would say anything if that wasn't the case firstly, and secondly you have not heard from you GP. I would hope that they would have called you in to discuss your results if they felt a need to, but clearly you are still anxious about your symptoms, so the only resolution you have is by seeing your GP.

For the record, your symptoms don't sound anything out of the ordinary to me. Where are you in your monthly cycle? We can get pains and stuff around mid-cycle during ovulation, and we can also get pain on one ovary side, which is again usually because that is the ovary we are ovulating from, and then it can switch to the other side the following month, or even stay on the same side again. This is all pretty normal. We can also get all kinds of pains and aches as we approach a period.

It does not sound sinister to me, but I am not a doctor, but have had many gynae problems over the years plus your symptoms every month, all of which have been solvable and nothing sinister.

My suggestion would be to get your scan results firstly, as otherwise you will keep stewing as to what is going on.

Big hugs.:hugs:

18-10-13, 14:33
Silly question but why don't you go and see the doc and get the results of the scan?

18-10-13, 14:35
The doctors would have called you if the results showed anything serious, but there's no harm in ringing them to ask for the results. But do you think the pains are only there when you think about them?

18-10-13, 14:36
I'm worried about getting them , and I feel I visit the docs to often, I was only there 4 weeks ago , do you think the scanner lady would know if anything looked sinister ? X

18-10-13, 14:38
Rebeccad - the fact that your doctor hasn't contacted you is a sign that there's nothing sinister.

18-10-13, 14:45
They do hundreds of these scans, so yes, I would think they are very skilled at noticing abnormalities.

I had a scan in Feb and the sonographer studied and studied the screen first, got a second opinion from another sonographer and informed me there and then that it looked like I had a polyp in my uterus. She was bang on about that, and the polyp itself was absolutely tiny. I have a lot of faith in them as they do this every day and know what looks clear and what doesn't.

I think you have to way up which is better here...sitting and worrying and and getting more worried daily as you know nothing about your results, or just biting the bullet and getting them? You are not booking another appoitment for no reason, you are there to receive your results. You have a valid reason!

I do believe if there was anything sinister in your results, your GP would not be sitting on your results 4 months later. You need to set your mind at least partly at rest and find out. x

18-10-13, 14:52
Yes you are all right, I'm about 2 weeks away from my period so may be from that, and the lady told me she does 100's a week so yes she was probably very qualified x

18-10-13, 16:26
Some years ago I suffered with right sided pain like a stitch. It would get very unpleasant at times. Checks showed nothing and I was told it was ok vulgarity pain. This didn't console me as sometimes I got it at other points of my cycle, but I had kids and it went away. It's just returned in the past couple of months.

22-10-13, 10:34
Just an update went for my results today and the doc said they all clear , he said that my period trouble although isn't normal for me isn't abnormal, he's booked me in for a weeks time with the lady doctor to check for infection etc.... But hoping the bleeding will have stopped by then, thanks to everyone who replied x