View Full Version : Feeling Trapped....

18-10-13, 15:32
I just feel so trapped in my job right now :( like there's no way out. I had to recently take sick leave cos I was being so overworked and went back this week & now I'm on contracted hours :( which ok is good because I won't be overworked but I'm starting to stress a bit over money. I'm still at home so am lucky in that sense but I still need more than my contract to stay afloat and not panic to be honest. I've always done extra days and hours in the time I've been there apart from odd quiet month. My manager says it will be everyone on contract hrs soon cos of lots of new staff which I can understand.
I've been wanting to leave this year anyway cos I'm getting older (30 next year) & just want to move on but now I think I need to get out ASAP cos of less money.
But I just don't know what to do, do I apply for lots of part time jobs and try that for money, try and figue out what I'd really like to do & somehow pursue it or look for the same type of job but with more hours. I feel like if I don't get out this year I will end up depressed again :(