View Full Version : Cat touched my eye

18-10-13, 19:03
I'm really worried, my cat touched the corner of my eye while playing earlier, it was only a light touch as I think I managed to jump away quickly but his paw definitely touched the inner corner of my eye. I did close my eyes as a reflex so I hope that it was only on my eyelid area, but still, I'm really panicing!!!

I immediately washed the area with water and a flannel and have srubbed the area and now it's a little sore.

I'm worried about going blind and don't like anyone or anything touching near my eye, I don't even touch my own eyes I use a clean cloth.... I'm worried that germs will have gotten into my eye, my worst fear is going blind.... please help... what do I do? Am I right in worrying about this?

My cat has got some fleas at the moment that we are trying to control so I'm worried about the flea germs, worms you name it....


18-10-13, 19:11

You will be fine. I assume your cat has had all of his jabs and all up to date?

My cat did the same kind of thing many times, and even clawed me once when excited and playing (I still have the scar to show for it, lol)

I never got anything even with that.

Certain you will be fine. Please try not to worry.x:hugs:

18-10-13, 19:45
I am sure you have nothing to worry about. Your eye constantly washes itself anyway. I have 2 cats and have no worries at all about catching anything from them.

18-10-13, 19:45
I have a Pixie Bob. He's a VERY cool cat to say the least and also quite affectionate. This morning at 5:30am he wanted attention and I awoke to his rather large poly-toed paw practically in my mouth as he was trying to wake me ~lol~ It's not the first time it's happened either! (I have to stop sleeping with my mouth open! ~lol~).

Unless he's foaming at the mouth you don't have anything to worry about :)

Meow and Good Luck!

18-10-13, 19:56
Thanks guys, I just turn into a total wreck with anything to do with my eyes :( We have 3 cats and they have all had their primary vaccinations but that was over a year ago now and I wasn't aware they needed to go for booster jabs every year, I thought it was every few years?!! Arghh.. now I'm worried they will have caught something.... anyone know what I need to do? I've just been looking for their docs from the vets but can't find them anywhere!

18-10-13, 20:16
I wouldn't worry too much about them missing a booster, just take them for it when you can.
Fishmanpa I would love to see a picture of your pixie bob cat, they are beautiful cats. I have a Silver Bengal and a Siamese seal point.
My Siamese cat just licked my mouth while I was eating a yoghurt! I am not worried though :)

18-10-13, 20:48
Bobcat Legends Socrates Ulysses :)

Here's a pic of "da boy" chillin' He's got a little bobcat tail.



PS... he'll be three Nov. 18th and weighs in at a very solid 17lbs!

18-10-13, 20:58
Awww...what a beauty he is, Fishmanpa! :)

18-10-13, 21:04
Thanks Annie, I'm trying to rationalise it but seems as though the health anxiety is getting the better of me tonight! Think a few stressful weeks is to blame to be honest! Just a question for you all.. I was just reading up on the vaccines, apparently they aren't as neccessary as the vets say and can cause more damage in the long run (eg. cancers, diabetes etc) so is it wise to vaccinate every year anyway? I'm not sure now?

Aww Fishmanpa he's gorg :)

18-10-13, 21:10
I just take my boy for a booster rabies every year. He doesn't go out except on a leash so no other shots are necessary. If it goes past a year, no worries, just get them there as soon as you can. It's advisable to take them anyway for a wellness check. Most people do that with their dogs but neglect their cats. It should be no different.

You'll be fine Jjoe.... really.

18-10-13, 21:13
Sorry, Jayjoe18. I shouldn't have scared you with mentioning jabs (just thought it would reassure if your puss was covered)

My cat Hobo had his main jabs when a kitten, then again a second bunch shortly after, but only boosters when he was taken to the vet when unwell and they did them then. The main ones the vet stressed as majorly important were feline flu and feline leukaemia.

I'm not sure about recommendations as to how often vaccs need doing these days, but I think they recommend pretty regular boosters to maintain his/her protection. x

18-10-13, 21:20
I just take my boy for a booster rabies every year. He doesn't go out except on a leash so no other shots are necessary. If it goes past a year, no worries, just get them there as soon as you can. It's advisable to take them anyway for a wellness check. Most people do that with their dogs but neglect their cats. It should be no different.

You'll be fine Jjoe.... really.

Thank you :) All mine are outdoor cats so best to keep them up to date I guess, maybe not every year though. I'm going to book them in tomorrow anyway and see what the vet says. Oh this will be fun trying to get my agoraphobic self out the house with 3 kittys, one of which is more socially anxious than me ha ha!

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

Sorry, Jayjoe18. I shouldn't have scared you with mentioning jabs (just thought it would reassure if your puss was covered)

My cat Hobo had his main jabs when a kitten, then again a second bunch shortly after, but only boosters when he was taken to the vet when unwell and they did them then. The main ones the vet stressed as majorly important were feline flu and feline leukaemia.

I'm not sure about recommendations as to how often vaccs need doing these days, but I think they recommend pretty regular boosters to maintain his/her protection. x

Aww don't worry debs, it's fine you didn't scare me :)

Well one of my cats is the same, she's 10+ years and only had her kitty jabs and then some boosters the other year with my two new tom cats, I got her when I was about 10, so we wasn't as clued up with her and the vaccines at that time, she's fine though *touch wood*, the most fiesty of them all :roflmao:x

18-10-13, 21:21
Your Pixie bob is beautiful Fishmanpa
Mine are the same in that they only go out on a lead but they need to have their vaccinations for insurance purposes. They can't be insured if they are not vaccinated.

21-10-13, 11:09
Cats need to have their boosters annually or, as Annie is correct in saying, you can't get them insured.

If you don't keep up with the boosters they lose their immunity and you have to go back and start again from scratch - which is obviously more expensive.

Your Pixie bob is a lovely boy Fishmanpa :)