View Full Version : Feeling ill :(

18-10-13, 20:15
Since wednesday ish or tuesday ive been feeling a little run down, headache cough ect. yesterday evening i started getting quite bad stomach cramps/abdominal pain and started to get diarrhea, i think i went about 8 times from 6pm till 12
today i haven't passed any stools, however i'm still getting abdominal cramps which dont go away. my head is killing in general and when i move it.

Edit: I just went and yes it was still runny.
I heard having diarrhea and a fever requires medical attention? im not sure if i have a fever but i do keep feeling cold even when I'm wrapped up with 2 jumpers a blanket and the heating is on!

18-10-13, 21:48
it may be gastric flu which usually means flu symptoms with diarrhea and or vomiting i had it two years ago its terrible keep hydrated if you get worse see dr