View Full Version : Citalopram insomnia as always.

18-10-13, 23:50
So again Im wide awake feeling on edge and unable to get comfortable to sleep. It's 23:46 and I'm up for work at 5:50, so I know tomorrow will be a miserable day. I'm on day 25 of 20mg citaloram and have to say I still get the panic surging through my chest before bed. Which means no sleep. Still early days for me or should I up the dose?

I also started taking sleeping remedies which 'promotes natural sleep', waste of money.

Any advice appreciated :)

jenny kilden
19-10-13, 00:08
I'm awake to but only CIA I'm reading, my worst time is in the mornings, I'm on 10mg cit day 25 also. Not feeling the best in the day evenings get better. This is my second time on cit and I was the same starting up last year, I had awful side effects just got to ride through it all.
If you have an iPod or iPhone download Claire weekes I like to listen to her when I feel bad.
Or reading always helps make me sleepy x
Hope u get to sleep soon xxx

19-10-13, 16:29
Do you take your tablets in the morning or evening? I've always taken mine in the evening and I've always been relaxed after taking them which I'm sure helps me sleep. Perhaps you could try taking them in the evening instead if you're taking them in the morning or vice versa and see how it goes?

19-10-13, 22:01
Not a bad idea. Somehow I feel that my taking the tablet first thing in the morning it helps me out during the day with my anxiety, almost like a false sense of security to help me through the day at work etc!

20-10-13, 12:08
That's true, maybe you could take half in the morning, half at night?

22-10-13, 23:00
I take mine at night and still struggle sleep... its like 24 hours a day I'm wired!! I have a fragrance lamp, and meditation music to help but its like my eyes refuse to close. it makes me so feel bad because sleep means I can shut out the pain for a little while and get to a new day quicker ... x