View Full Version : weight loss .... So worried

19-10-13, 06:41
Hi. Here I am again, up worrying, haven't slept again...husband told me last night that he's fed up with me, got very angry, which I can understand but how's that going to help me? my kids laugh at me at my constant "I'm dying and nobody realises.." Episodes. have lost quite a bit of weight over the past few months with HA but people that haven't seen me for two weeks have commented that I have lost more so now I'm worried sick that I have cancer. Had bloods done over the last few months but nothing showing but they were checking for thyroid and diabetes the last time so would cancer markers show up or other problems if they weren't looking for that?

This latest bout of Ha started fro a breast scare which was ok in the end then followed by a UTI blood in urine episode and then full severe anxiety in May/June and not recovered properly since. Now no appetite really but not heaving in a morning or churning stomach, just terrified on a daily basis but hiding it we'll at work. About to be made redundant and had a hell of a miserable time at work so worried about all that as husband isn't very supportive. Got offer of a new job yesterday, accepted it but shouldn't have as now more stress worrying about how I will cope and think I should give back word.. Sorry for rambling on, long post but really am going to have to stop myself from just running away today as feel that sick of this constant worry and weight loss...

19-10-13, 06:49
You were dying a little less than two weeks ago and you're still here aren't you?

Good Luck!

19-10-13, 06:58
I know Fishmanpa. I thought I was getting on top of this but now more weight loss and that only usually happens when I am in a totally anxious state. I worry more when people have noticed and comment and yet don't know what you are going through. I feel so bad when You comment as I know you have a genuine illness and must think we're a bunch of moaners on here.

19-10-13, 07:17
I know Fishmanpa. I thought I was getting on top of this but now more weight loss and that only usually happens when I am in a totally anxious state. I worry more when people have noticed and comment and yet don't know what you are going through. I feel so bad when You comment as I know you have a genuine illness and must think we're a bunch of moaners on here.

I don't feel that way Jules. Anxiety/HA IS a real illness. It causes real physical symptoms as well. However, it's not deadly nor do you have to go through an ordeal like cancer treatment to cure it or at least put it in remission or control the symptoms.

I do believe it's no different in the attitude you have to take to beat it as well. Just like a deadly physical illness, you have a choice. Treat it of suffer the consequences. It's my opinion that living in fear is not living and would be akin to me not seeking treatment when I was diagnosed.

So you have a choice. Start treating the illness with therapy, CBT and possible meds or continue to live in the hell that is currently your life. Having gone through hell myself, I can assure you I would do it again in a heartbeat should I be faced with the decision again. I did suffer from depression in my life and I hated the way I felt so I sought help and got through and over it. It made me a stronger person as did dealing with my physical ailments.

I came here to learn more and understand this malady called anxiety and I've learned much. I've also learned it's treatable and many do just that and move on to live happy and productive lives. You have much to live for and how you do so will not only affect you but those you love. I ended up sticking around because I believe I can offer an unbiased and experienced perspective that maybe will benefit some and help them take the steps to help themselves. Pay it forward right? :)

Good Luck!

19-10-13, 09:33
Thanks as usual Fishmanpa. I am trying to help myself honestly. I am paying for private hypno and therapy but counsellor says I have to 'believe' that I can change my thinking but it seems so impossible. I am on ADs and have been for quite a while but honestly, there is no help out there. Drs get fed up with you in the end and there's a 9 month waiting list for CBT and my dr isn't a real fan of it being that effective. She sent me to one in our surgery in the interim but she was a young girl with no life experience and just read instructions off a sheet and gave me them to take away. I am a 56 year old woman, been through the menopause so it's not that now as an excuse and I am beginning to think it's also related to facing your immortality now as you get older, which I know is inevitable anyway and no, I don't want to spend my life in hell like this, when I should be making the most of my life now. Maybe I am trying too hard to rid myself of this damn thing and have totally rational times and see the light at the end of the tunnel and then, wham, get another serious symptom to concern me and totally lose the plot again and descend back into the black hole that is HA.

19-10-13, 10:56
Regarding weight loss...I lost 6 kg in about 4 months from HA while trying to eat normally, so definitely HA can make u loose a lot of weight.

After starting meds I put up those kg and an additional 8...so I'm worried now of putting too much weight...

19-10-13, 10:59
I personally think CBT has potential as it doesn't rely upon a change of mindset being a precursor. It examines the things in the thought processes that we can control and follows the theory that if you alter the things you an control that it in turn allows the uncontrollable to follow.

Feel free to PM me if you want to chat further.

19-10-13, 11:40
I personally think CBT has potential as it doesn't rely upon a change of mindset being a precursor. It examines the things in the thought processes that we can control and follows the theory that if you alter the things you an control that it in turn allows the uncontrollable to follow.

Feel free to PM me if you want to chat further.

Take cpe up on that Jules... there are several on the boards that are currently, and have taken CBT in the past, and have done well. Just read the Success Stories. Therapy takes time and effort. I know, I was in it several times in my life. Even recently, as having a serious illness takes a toll on you mentally. I went for several sessions just to make sure I had my head screwed on right.

Keep in mind too that while this forum is excellent as a support tool, it can be detrimental if it becomes affirmation of your symptoms. Chances are quite good that whatever thing is getting to you, someone else has or had it too so hearing it doesn't really help you if you know what I mean.

Having seen you post rationally on other's thread, I know you have it in you to beat this thing. Remember, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford

I personally think you can!

Good Luck!

19-10-13, 12:15
Thanks as usual Fishmanpa. I am trying to help myself honestly. I am paying for private hypno and therapy but counsellor says I have to 'believe' that I can change my thinking but it seems so impossible. I am on ADs and have been for quite a while but honestly, there is no help out there. Drs get fed up with you in the end and there's a 9 month waiting list for CBT and my dr isn't a real fan of it being that effective. She sent me to one in our surgery in the interim but she was a young girl with no life experience and just read instructions off a sheet and gave me them to take away. I am a 56 year old woman, been through the menopause so it's not that now as an excuse and I am beginning to think it's also related to facing your immortality now as you get older, which I know is inevitable anyway and no, I don't want to spend my life in hell like this, when I should be making the most of my life now. Maybe I am trying too hard to rid myself of this damn thing and have totally rational times and see the light at the end of the tunnel and then, wham, get another serious symptom to concern me and totally lose the plot again and descend back into the black hole that is HA.

Hi Jules, totally agree that CBT is worth a go but can also empathise with you on the experience you have had at the surgery. CBT does requre a certain connection between you and the therapist in my opinion.

Why not sign up to the CBT4Panic course that is available through here and is FREE. It is meant to be really good. Failing that Living Life To The Full is also available on-line as is MoodGym. Good luck in finding something. Elen

19-10-13, 21:24
Again, thanks guys. Fishmanpa, I'll take your advice as one of your 'cyber slaps' ha ha as I know you're probably right. I'm in rational mode agin as it's not 3am or first thing in the morning....will read the success stories instead for a change instead of feeding off the HA posts. I know what I need to do but just don't trust it enough to work so that's my fault. Will make a GP appointment on Monday to face what's going on with my bowel and mention my pale stool worries and find out what this pressure and lump is in my bottom and take it from there as that's what is really preventing me from trying to kick this thing into touch or just accepting it for what it is...nothing but my thoughts...if it's something bad, then I will have to try and accept that no amount of panicking is going to change anything...

May be a different story in the wee dark hours but that's my negative thought process again!

Cpe...will take you up on your offer of some advice re CBT...be in touch via pm soon..thank you.

19-10-13, 21:35
Check this out when you get a chance... good stuff! I've been using it myself.


Good Luck!

19-10-13, 21:54
Thanks Fishmanpa...just had a look at it as you'd recommended it on another post...looks good. Sounds like you're not having such a great time yourself at the moment and yet take the time to care about and encourage others. You're a very special guy.