View Full Version : About time!

19-10-13, 07:09
I was looking up if sertraline could cause night sweats (I've been on 50 - 100 mg for 1 and a half year now and they started right away, I didn't think about linking the night sweats to my depression meds until today.. and I found this wonderful site!).

I'm a 23 year old from Iceland where everybody knows everybody (or at least you know someone who knows someone) and word travels fast. I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder since I was 18 years old. Only a year ago my doctors diagnosed me also with social phobia.. so it's kinda hard for me to open up to the people closest around me and when I do, it kinda annoys me how little they understand what I'm going through.. and then I discover (over and over again) that.. how can people know something that they haven't experienced? And since I'm not really "out of the closet" with my mental illnesses (people tend to think that I am always smiling and open about things) I thought that this site would be PERFECT!! for me :)

19-10-13, 15:08
Hi just wanted to :welcome: to the forum. Hope you find it as helpful as I do.

19-10-13, 17:00
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.