View Full Version : Bad belly help!

19-10-13, 07:31
Right so for the past 2 weeks I've had this awful belly ache and bad pains in my belly & in my lower belly (where you'd normally get period pains) I know it's not period because I've already been on and I'm not due agen yet, anyway I haven't been going to the toilet properly neither, I just seem to feel like I need to go but then nothing comes out when I get there and if/when it does its like a orange/brown colour, I've also been gettin back ache with this, can anyone help me? Do I need to see a doctor? Thanks in advance xx

19-10-13, 09:57
You probably have a urine infection.see a Dr for antibiotics. I get them sometimes.

19-10-13, 12:44
I don't mean when I go for a wee I've had a water infection before it's when I go for a poo, it's really worrying me x