View Full Version : Freaked out!

19-10-13, 17:02
I've just freaked out big time. I've been really sniffly & sneezy all week, feeling a bit sickly & unbelievably tired. I started to cough a bit this morning so when out today I bought some Beechams all-in-one medicine. I took it about 2 hours ago but within 10 minutes of taking it I could feel my face getting hot. It felt like someone was poking my face with a hot poker. My other half commented that my face looked flushed. When I checked in the mirror my face was blotchy & beetroot red over my cheeks, eyes & slightly on my chin. OMG - I freaked! I got a flannel & have spent the past 2 hours patting my face with cold water. The redness has gone but my face feels tight. I think I panicked because I had visions of my eyes & throat swelling up. I feel ok otherwise but it's just left me a little shaky. Do you think this was an allergic reaction? I've taken this & other products before & never had anything like this happen. xx

19-10-13, 17:58
Hi, while your reaction shows health anxiety issues, it might well be that you had an allergic reaction to something in the Beechams. If it was serious, you would know by now, so try not to carry your fear into the rest of the day. I know it's hard, but this is your chance to stand up to your fear - you won't get a better chance!

Don't take the medicine again though. It might be worth speaking to a doctor or pharmacist before taking anti-cold or flu medication again. There may be a common ingredient that lots of people are allergic to.

19-10-13, 18:07
I think you need to be careful with some of these cold remedies and especially if you are on other medication

19-10-13, 18:13
Thank you. I don't have huge HA issues. They're very mild these days. If it had been a year ago then I would have probably taken myself to hospital! I think I just freaked because it was so unexpected - I was certain my eyes were going to swell because they were so blotchy - managed to calm it down though! I still feel very warm but can say for sure I won't be taking it again. It's certainly made me nervous about taking any other cold/flu remedies. xx

Nicola; not on any other meds - very strange for me to react like this

19-10-13, 21:13
It's strange, but not outside the realms of probability. Maybe you developed the allergy over the last few years. It does happen. It's good that you have managed to improve your response to health anxiety so be proud of yourself :)

19-10-13, 21:24
Aww Meche, poor you :( It does sound like an allergic reaction. I hope you get well soon (without the Beechams!) :hugs::hugs:

20-10-13, 10:24
Thanks Annie. My face went back to normal quickly but I have the stuffiest head today. Feeling a bit off in general. I've just had a week off work & I've spent most of it feeling like crap! Feeling very run down. Oh well - onwards & upwards. x

20-10-13, 10:34
I had a terrible cold last week and my daughter suggested I get some berocca effervescent tablets. My cold didn't get as bad as it usually does so I think they helped a lot.