View Full Version : private tests? pain is ruining my life.

19-10-13, 17:12
Hey guys. I know theres already a thread on private tests but I didn't want to hijack.

Unfortunately.my pains are ruining my life, theyre getting beyond the joke. I have sore spots all over my head, I get head pains nearly all day my face is tight, I have pains running down my arms.into.my fingers/thumbs. I cany move my neck because of the pain in my neck/upper shoulder.

The.head pains are bothering me the most, I dont get.an.hour where im not in pain with my head/face. Im totally convince I have an aneurysm its wrecking my life. Im on the edge of going private even though I cant afford it because Im frightened 24/7 and feel like my life is ending. Are they.worth it? I cant live with this.fear its.going to drive me into.an early.grave.:(

19-10-13, 17:22
Can you remind us what tests etc you have had and what a doctor has said it is?

19-10-13, 17:24
Ive had no tests for my head pain, absolutely nothing. I've had ECG for chest pain, a FBC and autoimmune tests
Doctors say they dont know.whats.causing it.

19-10-13, 17:26
Hey Roxy....

If you had an aneurysm, you wouldn't be typing. Seriously, you'd be out and possibly comatose. Have you thought about massage or a chiropractor to help relieve the stress in your upper body, head and neck?

Why not treat yourself to a massage from a hunky massage therapist? Worst case, you'll feel better and have some eye candy to look at ;)

Good luck!

19-10-13, 17:33
I think I have an aneurysm that is about to burst, im just.waiting for a huge headache then death :(.

I've tried.ibuprofen gel, deep heat these didnt work. Maybe a massage is my last chance

19-10-13, 17:44
An aneurysm would be either without symptoms (most are) or with symptoms and many more than what you have hun.

You would certainly not be well enough to post on here!

There are so many more common reasons as to why you have an ongoing headache. Dehydration, low appetite/low sugars, could be long standing anxiety/stress (most likely I would think), and the list goes on.

Your other aches may well be anxiety related too - muscle pains due to holding yourself tense for a long time. Try if you can not to automatically go for the worst case diagnosis. 9 times out of 10, that is just not what is going on at all.x:hugs:

19-10-13, 18:38
Roxy have you been to a dentist to check you out for a TMJ problem? If you're stressed and holding your jaw very tightly it can cause a lot of the symptoms you mention here. It sounds like a lot of this is related to tension in your muscles. I'm having very similar symptoms at the moment (although not as extreme most days, and it mainly causes balance problems for me).

Do you feel a bit better when you're relaxed or do you get more pain when you're stressed?

19-10-13, 18:46
Thanks debs,
It all stema from having high
Cholesterol discovered as a child. It didn't bother me then but 15 years down the line im terrified.of the damage.ive done :(

19-10-13, 18:57
im terrified.of the damage.ive done :(

There it is! STRESS from fear and worry. You may not consciously realize it, but you're most likely clenching your jaw, tightening the muscles in your shoulders, neck and back, have a worried look on your face etc. All these things are stress related and cascade into tension and pain.

Looking at your posts over the last couple of weeks you've really worked yourself into a state! From embolisms to blocked arteries to tumors, stroke and high blood pressure etc.

Your blood work was normal Roxy! You're fine! If you want to stay fine, eat right and exercise regularly. Get your blood work done once a year (every 6 months if you're that worried) to give you piece of mind.

Lastly, seek professional help in the form of therapy, CBT and possibly meds to help you cope when things get bad. In reality, you're young and healthy and you have the power to keep it that way :) You can do it!

Good Luck!

19-10-13, 19:10
Roxy, whatever happened to the tips to beat health anxiety thread? Coach Fishmanpa will be giving you a 'cyber slap upside your head'.

Please believe us that you are focusing your efforts in the wrong area. I know it is impossible to believe, but you have to take a leap of faith at some point otherwise you are just chasing your tail.

Stay strong and if you need to chat at all feel free to PM.

19-10-13, 19:20
Thankyou fishmanpa,
I suppose im just desparate for an answer, I turned from a happy go lucky 22 year old with my whole life ahead of me to a miserable, constantly on edge scared person who cant see beyond the next.hour because.she thinks she wont be here!

I know my bloodwork is fine, and for that I'm so pleased,.however it wasnt fine all them.years ago, that's.what I struggle with x

---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

I was doing fab then boom these head/face/eye pain started :(.

Aneurysms are a huge fear its like my body is just winding me up. I simply cant get over the.fact.I.believe my cholesterol has weakened/hardened/blocked my arteties x

19-10-13, 19:41
I simply cant get over the.fact.I.believe my cholesterol has weakened/hardened/blocked my arteties x

If your were 42 then you'd have something to be concerned about. At 22, you can actually reverse any possible damage by proper diet and exercise.

Focus your energies on that!

Good Luck!

19-10-13, 20:07
But once theyre.weakened enough to form an aneurysm its too late :( oh damn this!

19-10-13, 20:22
But once theyre.weakened enough to form an aneurysm its too late :( oh damn this!

Not true.

Maybe we need to pose this issue to the MythBusters ;)

Positive thoughts and prayers.

19-10-13, 20:30
Is that not true? Im.genuinely surprised (and relieved!)

19-10-13, 20:48

Listen... I have heart problems. It's hereditary and caused by other factors as well. I smoked tobacco for 35 years and partied a lot in my youth. Heredity was the biggest factor in my situation.

When I first was diagnosed with heart disease at age 38, my cardiologist told me if I didn't change my ways, I'd be dead by 40. That scared the bejeebers out of me and I set myself on a course to good health.

I began a healthy eating and exercise program that essentially reversed the damage. The initial stress test and echo showed blockages beginning in my coronary arteries. A year later, having lost close to 40 pounds and getting to a point of having a body fat percentage of under 10 percent, I was more fit than most men half my age. The stress test an echo showed that the blockages were less than half of what they were!

Our bodies are miraculous. They can do things scarcely imaginable even by medical science. If in the rare chance there is some damage to an artery in your body at age 22, the chances of that causing your death are nil. The fact of the matter is that you are in a position to prevent that from ever happening.

Focus your energies on healthy eating,exercise and treating your health anxiety. If anything is going to affect you in a negative way, the stress of worrying about your health will do the most damage. You don't have to be crazy about it, just use common sense. I'm willing to bet you'll live to a ripe old age and be a great grandmother ;)

Have a great day... positive thoughts and prayers.

20-10-13, 18:51
Thankyou fishmanpa, I really appreciate your thoughts and admire you.

In struggling with these head/eye pains,.the thought of an aneurysm about to rupture frightens me greatly