View Full Version : omeprazole and what to drink..

19-10-13, 18:08
I am on omeprazole for acid reflux.
I hardly drink alcohol (only on special occasions, so maybe 5 times a year)

however I have too special dates coming up this month and we will be going to pubs and i will be around friends who drink I was wondering if its okay to drink alcohol with omeprazole? and if so what would be ok?

I cannot think of any non alcoholic drinks either, as I am only drinking water at the moment..
I cant drink things like orange juice because of the acid and i cant drink coke or anything fizzy as i cant have caffeine..
im stuck i cant just sit there with water and i dont want to cancel on my friends as i hardly go out as it is :( what do you suggest?

19-10-13, 18:19
Alcohol is not a problem with omperazole, in my experience.

I was on it when I recently went out for my Sister's Birthday do, and had a glass of white wine (Pinot Grigio)....and very nice it was too, with no ill effects.

A soft drink is hard to think of. Like you, I don't usually drink, and stick to soft drinks only. I have to be persuaded just to have one glass of booze at a special do. I usually drink just a glass of icy coke, but no more than that as you say, because of the caffeine.

How about a less acidic fruit juice? When I had gastritis I drank peach juice which didn't irritate at all. x:)

19-10-13, 18:22
If you have to have an alcoholic drink, perhaps something like Kahlua and Cream? Otherwise I would recommend Ginger Ale. When my tummy is funky, Ginger Ale helps calm it :)

Have fun!

19-10-13, 18:38
Thank you debs i feel abit silly as ive never asked for wine in pubs do i just say white wine please or will they have a range to pick from?
I was thinking malibu and pineapple? or pina colada? im in a weird situatuion as i dont want to be a bore but also dont want my night ruined by belly pains!

thank you fishmanpa
i have never heard of Kahlua and Cream it sounds interesting!

19-10-13, 18:45
i have never heard of Kahlua and Cream it sounds interesting!

If you like coffee, you'll love Kahlua and Cream! :)

19-10-13, 18:49
Thank you debs i feel abit silly as ive never asked for wine in pubs do i just say white wine please or will they have a range to pick from?

Yep, you can just ask for a glass of sweet, wine wine or whatever wine you fancy hun. Don't feel silly at all! By the glass wine is very common these days. They will have a wine list for you, and most of them offer a price for by the glass, or if you are not too worried what wine it is, they will just pour you a glass of whatever white is behind the bar!

19-10-13, 19:43
uh dont like coffee! :( lol all the drinks i do like tho i cant seem to have because of either anxiety or acid reflux it sucks!

that sounds good to me :) im actually excited to go out now xx

19-10-13, 19:47
Well then, Deb's suggestion of white wine is a good one. A sweet white would probably be best. Perhaps one of the hard fruit drinks like Mike's Hard Cranberry would be good. Not too acidic, tastes great and cranberry juice is good for your urinary tract ;)

Have Fun and remember, don't drink and drive!