View Full Version : Spot in mouth - tell me it's not cancer?!

19-10-13, 18:28
I've noticed I've got a gristle like spot inside my lower lip - it's been there twice now - so only went the first time after a day or two and came back today - I can't work out weather it's my tooth running it but I haven't bit my lip or anything.. Getting worried about what it could be!
Any advice would be fantastic!!

19-10-13, 18:43
Hi Emma,

I'm an oral cancer survivor. OC doesn't come and go as you describe. Most often there are no symptoms at all. By the time it shows itself, it's been there for a while and advanced. The OC rule of thumb is if there's a node, lesion or area that doesn't resolve itself in a 2 week time frame then see a qualified ENT experiences in oral cancer.

If indeed it doesn't go away or start to get better, the only way to know for sure is by a biopsy of the suspicious area. If the ENT feels that the area warrants a further look see, they'll do biopsy. If not, they'll keep an eye on the area on follow up exams.

Good Luck!

19-10-13, 18:46
Well it's smaller than a pee I'd say - so fairly small and as I say it does come and go, so just hope it's just that and that it's down to my HA - again!!

Hope your ok now - and well done for kicking cancers ass!! :hugs:

19-10-13, 19:05

If it was cancer it wouldn't come and go. I know this as fact. If cancer cells grow to the size of a pea, they're not going away I assure you. It's most likely an irritation from your teeth or an ulcer of some sort. Truly not to worry :) Just keep an eye on it and see your doctor if it persists more than two weeks.

Good Luck!