View Full Version : worried about brain tumour

20-10-13, 00:04
im so worried I have a brain tumour. I've had eye floaters, headaches for 3 months and now I get this after images of things that I look at for a split second. Im so worried ive been to opticians twice who have checked in my eyes and have both said that they are just floaters and nothing serious.

Ive been to the doctors loads of times they don't seem concerned and said that if I had a brain tumour I wouldn't even be able to speak to them. im so worried am I dying?

20-10-13, 00:08
Doctors and opticians know what to look for when you say you think you have a brain tumour so it won't be that

it could be a number of things really.

drink more water
improve your posture

ask doc if physio would help etc

20-10-13, 00:17
So can it be ruled out? I've had this for 5 months first 2 I visited the opticians he said nothing to worry about and around a month ago I saw another had those drop in my eye that also said nothing to worry about. Just worried if its in its early stages I'm worried

20-10-13, 00:23
Well I would say yes but I cannot say that 100% because I am not medically trained of course.

I am sure you will be ok though

20-10-13, 00:27
I have nursed poor individuals with brain tumours, and as Nicola said, you must try to trust what the doctors say, as when someone presents they usually present to A&E with excrutiating pain unlike any headache, usually vomiting like hell, and extremely unwell.

It sounds more like tension headaches or possibly occular migraines or even something simple as Nicola said like dehydration or low blood sugars that may be causing your ongoing headaches. Floaters are not a worry, but I know they are intensely irritating. My Dad had them and they bugged the hell out of him, but eventually just went.

The chances of it being something sinister are slim.

Incidentally, opticians are often the first to spot a tumour through looking at the inside and at the back of the eye and the other tests they do (not always smaller ones though)

Hope you feel better soon.x:hugs:

20-10-13, 00:42
Twice to the optician, the doctor loads of times. They feel it's nothing serious and if you did have a brain tumor for the last months, you would be pretty messed up by now (fact). The fact you felt this way three months ago and you're still here and posting would be a pretty good sign you're not dying.

These are almost verbatim with some of the symptoms in the "Symptom" link on the left side of the page. There are many reason along with anxiety that can cause the symptoms you're experiencing. I know they suck but the chances of this being a brain tumor are pretty remote.

Good luck!