View Full Version : An invention to sell pills?

31-10-06, 17:27
Hi everyone,

Just been told that GAD doesnt exist its just an invention by the Pharmaceutical companies to sell new drugs. What are your thoughts on this?

31-10-06, 17:34
well, as someone who freaks out to tears frequently and who screws up all of her important friendships by being terrified of people being mad at her, I'm inclined to thin it's real. The behaviour I have is real, uncontrolable, and destructive. Who told you this? My guess is someone whose only emotional problem consist of a lack of empathy.

31-10-06, 17:36

I hope it wasn't a doctor that told you that. I would have thought that there has been sufficient research into anxiety disorders for that to be untrue - sounds like this person may be a bit of a sceptic. People do say odd things when they don't understand something.

My husband once told me that he thought all psychiatrists (and the like) studied that particular science because they were all kooks!! Can you imagine my response!! But that comment is borne out of ignorance and he didn't really mean it. Whatever anyone says, mental illness of any kind still carries a stigma and it frightens people because they don't know what they are dealing with.

Take care

Janie xxx

31-10-06, 17:41
Janie, my best friend is the craziest kid I knew growing up... I mean batsh*t crazy. She grew up to be a psychologist and she says that she got nto it because she was trying to figure out what was wrong with her! She's joking, but I think there is some truth to that one... if only because a good therapist has to be able to empathize. :)

01-11-06, 21:44

I think this comment is crap!! After suffering for all these years I am living proof, as we all are. What an unhelpful thing to say. obvioulsy lack of understanding and insight.


01-11-06, 21:47
I can't see why cos loads get them free so they don't make any money!

Where did you hear this?

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


03-11-06, 20:37
i joined a forum called benzoisland, they see anti depressants and drugs like temazepam etc as evil. they think that drug companies label illnesses as a gimmick to sell their products. i'm not in it for the politics, just want help.

03-11-06, 20:37
i joined a forum called benzoisland, they see anti depressants and drugs like temazepam etc as evil. they think that drug companies label illnesses as a gimmick to sell their products. i'm not in it for the politics, just want help.

03-11-06, 21:19
Just be careful, bear, okay? Because often people who make medical decrees like that without having medical training can do more harm than good. I do think that we are becoming "overmedicated," but you have to judge fore yourself with the help of your doctor(s) whether your condition necessitates medication. I fought against medication for ages until I realized that I was sabbotaging my relationships with my anxiety. I would get so frightened that I would be "clingy" and need constant reassurance and my friends would feel like I didn't trust them because I was always asking if they were made at me. Zoloft, an occasional ativan & yoga have helped immeasurably.

03-11-06, 21:50
thanx for that, i get so scared sometimes that i'm taking too many meds, but i cant fight everything at once. I have to trust the medics who look after me, and follow my own instincts.

04-11-06, 12:28
Hi there!
I've had GAD since Feb and I would say it is most real: I have never been so frightened or agitated in my life though curiously enough, I wouldn't say that I was really depressed. I think perhaps it's a cover all term for anything that can't be labelled as depression/health anxiety/social anxiety etc. However, I think it certainly isn't an invention just to make money but a very real condition that affects many of us. I went to see a psychologist recently for CBT and she wrote a report on me which basically stated that I blamed my anxiety on an "illness" as an excuse not to face up to real issues and that as a result, I thought I deserved "special treatment". It left me absolutely fuming :(

04-11-06, 21:42
I'm not surprised you were fuming Sarah. I have had great support from the mental health team i work with. Anxiety is an illness, and CBT is acourse of treatment.
Hope things improve.

'Be the change you want to see in the world' GHANDI

04-11-06, 22:02
Sarah - i think we who suffer from anxiety face up to our problems more than so called "normal" people, as we are constantly striving to look for answers and ways to get better and recover. I obviosly dont know you personal issues but from one anxiety sufferer to another i think this is realy unhelpful. I hope you dont take it to heart and maybe think about seeking a more understanding psychologist for your problems.


05-11-06, 14:27
lol so GAD doesnt exist, well silly me i must have imagined panicking and feeling like s..t for the best part of 5 years! i bet who ever came out with that one also is one those whose thinks we should keep a stiff upper lip, and pull ourselves together what a w..k.r! sorry but it really winds me up when i hear crap like that, and unfortunatley bearcrazy ive heard the same sort of thing from other w..k.rs as well in the past they havent got a f..k..g clue have they?
a very angry Mick

05-11-06, 16:23
just like to point out it isnt my opinion mick. i have gad and when i got the diagnosis it was like a huge weight off my shoulders. no-one can have a clue unless they have experienced it.

06-11-06, 13:13
hi Bearcrazy
sorry i was,nt having a dig at you no way! i just get a bit upset when i hear nonsense like that, ive been through a lot lately and although im moving in the right direction, theres still problems i need to address and we all suffer with this thing i know,i just wish there was more empathy towards our plight
take care

06-11-06, 18:52
One of my yoga instructors uses that Ghandi quote all the time. It's so very true...

I think you guys in the UK probably have it a bit harder just because of all of that historical stiff-upper-lippedness. I know my family (which clings furiously to it's British ancestory) is against meds, etc. and all of my Italian friends are much more expressive and open to dealing with emotions. I know that certainly isn't the whole explanation, but I do think British culture is a bit behind on the whole therapy and anguish thing. I think it is still almost normal of there to be things that "you just don't discuss" whereas more expressive cultures don't have as many hang-ups. I'll be interested to see if you agree. My excuse when I get closed-mouthed and repressed is always a shrug, a smile and "Hey... whaddya want? I'm ENGLISH!" LOL. The funny part is that people here seem to say "Oh," as if it really DOES explain it all!

06-11-06, 19:26
I have the quote on my classroom door. It is sooo true, although change is difficult and scary. as I'm findinfg out!

06-11-06, 19:28
I have the quote on my classroom door. It is sooo true, although change is difficult and scary. as I'm findinfg out!