View Full Version : Help, so stressed!!!

20-10-13, 00:55
I am having the worst weekend ever :weep: I suffer from anx and panic attacks and have done for close to 20 years. I have come to visit family far away from home (about a 4 hour drive). I mentally prepared myself for the drive here and it was ok but towards the end I was so stressed so as you can imagine its alls i really remember of it. The whole time ive been here my anx has been very high and tbh i just want to go home, as the time with family wasnt what i expected. We are travelling home tomorrow and i am now so stressed out about the journey i cant sleep. My hubby will be driving home so i dont have to actually drive but even being a passenger is so stressful for me :( and we also have our 3 yr old daughter with us which makes my anx worse. Just wish i didnt have anx :( i know improb not gonna sleep tonight at all just thinking about it. Sorry for the rant but typing has took my mind off it for a few minutes. Thanks for reading xxx

20-10-13, 10:38
Really sorry you are having such a bad weekend :( Instead of thinking about the journey back, try to focus on being back home and how much better you will feel, think about all the nice things at home. Maybe you will sleep for some of the journey if you are so tired. I hate travelling too and I try to close my eyes and just think about good things.