View Full Version : Forum help: Dealing with panic attacks

Hulpbijangst NL
20-10-13, 00:56
How can i deal with panic attacks?

It is easyer to deal with panic attacks when you know how to control your breathing tempo. Always breath from your lower stomach, dont breath from your lungs because that will cause hyperventilation or un-normal hearth beatings. People who dont know this can get axienty problems faster because they dont know why they hyperventilate or why their hearth beats so hard. Always keep this in mind!

Anyone else know ways how to deal with this panic attacks?


20-10-13, 13:47
To remember that the symptoms won't harm you. We get sucked into fear and catastrophising when we start getting chest pains (a result of hyperventilation) which creates fear, which creates adrenaline, which creates more symptoms. To sit down and say to yourself 'It's OK, this won't hurt me, it's only a panic attack.' It doesn't work at first but it will the more you do it.

Learning relaxation techniques is also a massive help. Take a few minutes out, steady your breathing, tense and then untense your body and get your focus back.

There are many techniques out there, you can get counselling and the counsellor can help you teach some effective techniques or read up on them.