View Full Version : went out yesterday and today

20-10-13, 17:56
this is how i got on my brother invited me & my sister to go up the hunters lodge with his friend max and his wife & my dad they picked us up we had a meal and i first i just had a glass of wine then i had a bottle of wine then after that i had a jug i had a gammon the meal was ok but left abit tho cos i felt uncomfortable was strange being around my bros friend again havent seen him in ages last time i was confident now am just quiet & fragile i told him about my depression & anxiety but long story short it was ok then him & his wife took us to his house for a few min he showed us his snakes they had dogs they were lovely friendly dogs then took us home dropped us off thank god got a lift back cos didnt want to walk been invited to go round for a sunday dinner so my brother stayed the night when got back was really tired then about half 12 today we walked up to theres he took pics of me my sister and my bro together then he printed the photos for us too take home with us gave us one each that was nice of him to do he printed them out on his computer then had sunday dinner was lovely i enjoy it was ok only part didnt like i had to walk back so i been out twice plus my sisters bday on the 15th so in all thats three times just hope i wasnt weird was trying my best to act as normal as i could i did feel abit panic while walking up the road today i chewed gum to try & calm me but i hate the way its making me feel my mind feels so muddled but anyway least i done two days out the house & i am proud :)

21-10-13, 11:30
66 views and no comments not even a well done for going out why :sad:

21-10-13, 11:43
A big well done from me Gem7. Try to remember that nothing bad happened to you next time you venture forth.

Small steps but you're heading in the right direction!

21-10-13, 11:52
Well done :) :flowers:

21-10-13, 15:38
thanks both :)

21-10-13, 15:45
well done I can relate to you ive just been to Tesco on my own and was smiling feels so good so I say big pat on the back for us ;)

22-10-13, 14:30
thanks yes big pat on the back for us :)

22-10-13, 17:29
I havnt been out the house for months, I don't like germs. My name is matt x online at 10pm every night if you want a chat :welcome:

23-10-13, 16:12
thanks matt sorry to hear you havent left the house for months heres a :hugs: but i hardly go on in the evening at 10pm but thanks for the offer for a chat :)