View Full Version : i have fainted 3 times today, getting anxious, should i go to casualty?

20-10-13, 17:59
i felt breathless recently but put it down to a stuffy nose.

but today i have passed out 3 times, like properly passed out and hit my head pretty hard there.

i am trying to avoid going to hospital because i went last week but this is plain weird for me.
do you think i should go? im worried the doctors will judge me or think i want attention :lac:
i am not anaemic or anything nor am i on my period and i don't have a fever though i have been getting palpitations.

20-10-13, 18:12
Hello. I would definitely go to a & e! You should get checked out x

20-10-13, 18:25
ok now I'm feeling extremely dizzy again even though im lying down :huh:
I think I better go just to be on the safe side...Thank you. x

20-10-13, 18:37
Call the out of hours doc - saves going to a&e

20-10-13, 18:41
Call the out of hours doc - saves going to a&e

ok i think I'll do that. cheers x

20-10-13, 19:25
how are you now? I really hope you're better and if you faint 3 times in a day that def is something that needs attention not just attention seeking so no worries there!

20-10-13, 19:27
hope ur ok let us know how u get on. if I was u and I passed out 3 times I wud go a&e to b safe.

20-10-13, 19:28
I'd go to a an e if I had passed out 3 times in one day aswell be on the safe side x

20-10-13, 19:55
Hope you're ok now.

20-10-13, 22:39
Hello, thanks everybody for your concern.
Went to the Dr, ran an ecg and bloods, everything in check. Maybe just a bad vasovagal reaction, thank goodness.

I'm gonna take it easy. Thanks again everyone for being so lovely. All the best and hope this reassures some of you. lots of love xx

20-10-13, 23:13
Sounds like it could be vertigo if feeling dizzy laying down. Are you dizzy moving your head too?

21-10-13, 02:16
hiya nope wasn't vertigo. i can live with that! but waking up on the floor is pretty scary. sorry to hear you have it too, it sucks x