View Full Version : Hi and help...

20-10-13, 20:49

I'm new to this, I have been suffering from anxiety for about 3 months now. The anxiety has turned into GAD and I think depression. I have had all test done from MRI scans on my brain and X-rays of my stomach also had all blood works done twice which came back normal. I had x rays done on my stomach as I experienced pains in my left upper quadrant for years due to stress. I have also been a worrier, I have had a lot to deal with over the past year with my mum becoming seriously ill, my daughter become ill but is ok now. I also experienced great stress in my job over the past year and especially in July, when all this started. In July my symptoms were severe tension headaches,pains in stomach,soft stools,dizziness,buzzing in ears,not thinking properly and muzzy head. I went to Bupa through my work insurance and they carried out ultrasounds, MRI scans and X-rays all ok. My docs have all put it down to stress and I have anxiety at first I did not believe as I could not get my head round stress could do this to someone. I'm currently seeing a counsellor and I'm on my second week of citoplam 20mg.. My symptoms at the moment are constant buzzing in ears, not thinking straight, indecisive and fatigue, I'm ok in the morning worse about 10 am once in work or at home.

I have a loving wife and daughter and just want to get better ASAP, so I can spend time with them as I did in June without these racing thoughts and dizziness.

I would like to know if anyone else out there experiences these symptoms and when my meds will start taking away this horrible feeling..

Regards jim

21-10-13, 18:36
Hi Jim I can totally relate to were your coming from ,I too have a stressful job and I lost to very close family members its simply been hell ,but like you I saw a therapist and im on meds aswel and im getting there, don't get me wrong its a slow process and I have my good days and my bad days ,so you sound like your on the the right path good luck :D

21-10-13, 18:44
Hi Jim I can relate you all the symptoms you are experiencing but thankfully I am well on the road to recovery now. It doesn't happen overnight though. Like any illness it takes time to heal.
2 weeks on your medication is early days but I hope you start to find some relief soon.

21-10-13, 18:59
Hi Annie

How long has it taken you. I was fine this morning woke went to work. Started to feel rubbish about 2 after going out for my lunch. I'm just anxious about being anxious now....I look like I have been in a fight with mike Tyson and feel like it..just take each day as it comes..I'm really on edge aswell like I'm sensitive to noise..the ringing in my ears is horrible..do you experience this aswell..

---------- Post added at 18:59 ---------- Previous post was at 18:55 ----------

Thanks Mrs stress ed??good to know your in the same boat?I just can't believe anxiety does this to someone...one minute I'm okish then I'm a joke racing thoughts,dizziness etc.. I have the muzzy head symptoms probably 10 hours a day though...

21-10-13, 19:09
Jim that is your biggest problem "I'm anxious about being anxious" You have to ACCEPT the anxiety and then you will be able to cope with it.
I found CBT4Panic very helpful
Yes I am very sensitive to noise and have had ringing in my ears from anxiety. People with anxiety have an over sensitised nervous system so we tend to experience more effects from sounds, pain etc.
Hopefully the medication and counselling will be affective for you but don't try to fight the anxiety just accept it :)

21-10-13, 19:23
Thanks Mrs stress ed??good to know your in the same boat?I just can't believe anxiety does this to someone...one minute I'm okish then I'm a joke racing thoughts,dizziness etc.. I have the muzzy head symptoms probably 10 hours a day though...[/QUOTE]

your welcome, yeah one minute your okay then bang pounding heart dizzy its all anxiety and the more we focus on it the longer it will stay with us,its learning to except it I think and not to focus on the symptoms :)

21-10-13, 19:41
Hi Jim, I still struggle to believe the symptoms of anxiety, dizziness, ear ringing and heart pulsing in ears, heart palps , brain fog, to name a few! I battled on for years without meds but eventually went on them. It took a few months to see any benefits for me personally, but I know some people feel better on them a lot quicker.
Distraction is one of the best methods I find for dealing with anxiety , finding something else to focus on, even if you just practice breathing exercises until it passes.

Mrs Mul
21-10-13, 19:48
Hang in there. I was exactly the same and if you think about it the physical symptoms of stress make you have health anxiety because you feel there must be something physically wrong! My work was very intense and I work full time and I am a mother of 2 young children. I am on citalopram and a lot of your symptoms especially the neurological ones could be side effects. (I totally get the muffled head thing, it's awful )
The meds will take at least 6 weeks to kick in and for the side effects to subside. I took 6 weeks off work ( dress orders) and tried to take stock of the situation. One big learn from this.... Your in box will never be empty and the company continues despite your absence!!

21-10-13, 20:19
Thanks for the responses. I tried to stay off work but I was so bad in the house by myself.. I got anxious about being by myself and my thoughts started to race. I was so indecisive and still am. It's like its waiting at the moment in my head waiting to pounce..my doctor says exercise is good I just looked at her like she was joking at first I didn't have the energy to put my trainers on plus I was dizzy and heavy headed constantly. This seems to of passed now just the ringing in ears is constant...I also get anxiety when I'm in social places now outside, it's so strange.....:)

21-10-13, 20:28
Try to go out for little walks if you can, walking and fresh air are good for anxiety.

21-10-13, 20:39
Hi Anne

I did that at the weekend but I got this unbelievable feeling when I was there. This comes and goes. I can't go the football anymore as I get this feeling of fear like I'm going to pass out, this only happens when I'm outside. I got it once when I was driving aswell when I was rushing and stressed. Things didn't seem real sometimes especially when I was walking with my daughter last weekend I don't know if it was the medication.

---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

Does anyone else have the constant high pitched ringing in there ears???? It the one thing that is always there during the day. Never there once I wake up I'm symptom free..only starts after I start thinking then I can notice the ringing slowly kicking in and then the muzzy head....:doh:

21-10-13, 20:41
I get the same fear I feel like im going to pass out ,I push myself to go out even thou its hard ,you got to keep at it don't let the anxiety take control I know its awful but keep pushing yourself :)

21-10-13, 20:45
Mrs stress ed.. Do you get constant ringing in the ears???

21-10-13, 20:49
Mrs stress ed.. Do you get constant ringing in the ears???

no I get ringing every now and then I get constant muzzy head and dizziness :weep:

21-10-13, 21:05
I went to the doctor about the constant ringing in my ears and of cause he said it was anxiety. As soon as I accepted that I stopped noticing it so much.

21-10-13, 21:06
Ok sounds like we have the same symptoms. I have always been a worrier and in July I had loads of pressure in work and outside of work, then one day I was walking to work and I got this pressure headache and the pavement came up at me and felt I had no energy all day..ever since not been the same....:huh:

21-10-13, 21:09
I think the CBT4Panic will help you, it is free so worth a try :)

21-10-13, 21:14
It's so reassuring that there are other people out here with the same symptoms...

---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:10 ----------

But I'm not sure why I get anxious.i tried cbt at my counsellor this was for health reasons which have passed now, but I still get anxiety which happens just by thinking,stress, high pitched noises....

21-10-13, 21:14
that's what happened to me I was in work I felt dizzy and sick I was in a panic I went straight home and that was the start of my anxiety that was last august ,id had panic attacks when I was younger but not like it is know, like you Iv not been right since think I got to learn to except it like my gp tells me

21-10-13, 21:32
Are you on any meds ?? I'm on my third week of citoplam I can see them starting to work slowly. I'm in work just in the office at the moment as I travel all over the country and live away from home, but I have told them I just need structure whilst I get back on my feet..[COLOR="blue"]

21-10-13, 21:32
Im on 50mg sertraline and 80mg of propranolol they are helping ,meds take time keep with it hopefully you will see the difference :D

21-10-13, 21:35
Ok, keep in touch and I will let you know how I'm progressing:)