View Full Version : Please answer me so I feel better

20-10-13, 21:52
Hello I have a question I have GAD since a year now, and I have a big fear of developing schizophrenia, is it in any way possible to happen? I have a huge fear of the paranormal, yet I have no hallucinations, but I am 24/24 afraid to develop those, or to become paranoid, anxiety is affecting my relationship, I am always angry coz I keep thinking and punishing myself for having thoughts like fear of ghosts possession and stuff, and because I always imagine the worst, I am on fluoxetine 20 mg since a year, I felt great for 5 months, then when I travelled back to my country where I lived all my life anxious, fluoxetine isnt working anymore, Im continuing my therapy, I overcame many obsessions still this fear of mirrors and all the stuff that come to my head because of the horror films I watched.. I just feel so sad, sometimes I cry, my doctor is telling me there is no way I develop schizophrenia, nor paranoia, but I am very afraid and always afraid of halucinating, so I pay attention to every thought or voice or visual effect, my Doc suggested she would like to increade my dosage but Im afraid coz I read fluoxetine might develop schizophrenia, thought my Doc said I already passed the age range of developing it and if I would develop it I would have done that long ago, since it's been a year now. Please tell me are my sympotoms normal, having this fear 24/7 thjough sleeping at night normally with no fear? And when I remember I fear such things I feel sad coz I think Im crazy, please tell me about this and about the fluoxetine dosage thing.. Thank you

20-10-13, 22:37
Hello I have a question I have GAD since a year now, and I have a big fear of developing schizophrenia, is it in any way possible to happen? I have a huge fear of the paranormal, yet I have no hallucinations, but I am 24/24 afraid to develop those, or to become paranoid, anxiety is affecting my relationship, I am always angry coz I keep thinking and punishing myself for having thoughts like fear of ghosts possession and stuff, and because I always imagine the worst, I am on fluoxetine 20 mg since a year, I felt great for 5 months, then when I travelled back to my country where I lived all my life anxious, fluoxetine isnt working anymore, Im continuing my therapy, I overcame many obsessions still this fear of mirrors and all the stuff that come to my head because of the horror films I watched.. I just feel so sad, sometimes I cry, my doctor is telling me there is no way I develop schizophrenia, nor paranoia, but I am very afraid and always afraid of halucinating, so I pay attention to every thought or voice or visual effect, my Doc suggested she would like to increade my dosage but Im afraid coz I read fluoxetine might develop schizophrenia, thought my Doc said I already passed the age range of developing it and if I would develop it I would have done that long ago, since it's been a year now. Please tell me are my sympotoms normal, having this fear 24/7 thjough sleeping at night normally with no fear? And when I remember I fear such things I feel sad coz I think Im crazy, please tell me about this and about the fluoxetine dosage thing.. Thank you

20-10-13, 22:47

I understand your fears about schizophrenia. I was also scared of this when i first had anxiety symptoms, but you will not ever develop schizophrenia. The fact that you are scared of it means that you are very much mentally well, even though you are anxious. Schizophrenics do not know they are ill, because their brain is functioning normally as far as they are concerned, so have no idea they are actually very sick.

Anxiety is a totally different thing entirely, but because some of the symptoms we have can be so frightening - like depersonalisation, derealisation, and the sense that we are not in our own bodies, to name a few - we think we are somehow going insane, but we are not. Our minds are just overly anxious, and going into protection mode by removing us from reality and high anxiety. That is all.

Another member posted last week about the same worry you have about schizophrenia, so you can see that this fear is very, very common amongst us anxiety sufferers. I posted a link to a website I recently found which is very helpful in explaining anxiety, and I think the link may be some comfort for you too:


You will not go mad or get schizophrenia, I promise you. x:hugs:

20-10-13, 22:55
Just my thought on the subject...

We're all whacked. Every single one of us. To various degrees but we're all schitzo to some degree or another.

When we see/interact with someone less whacked than ourselves we perceive them to be together, sane and on the ball. When we see someone more whacked than we are, we perceive them to be crazy and thank our lucky stars we're better off. When we encounter someone equally as whacked as we are, we perceive them to be normal.

We tend to surround ourselves with people like ourselves so in our own little worlds, everything is normal. So if you think you're going crazy, then you're just hanging around with the wrong people ;)

Good Luck!

21-10-13, 00:22
Thank you verymuch debs71 for this link and explanation and thank u fishmanpa for this very interesting description :), I just have a small question, anxiety can be intense all day long without palpitations? Coz I mostly struggle with non stop thinking and headache and depersonalization, and by the way the fear of the unknown is never here at night I sleep peacefully, I just fear to have a hallucination at random times a day and it is characterized by being afraid of seeing a ghost a demon or something (maybe too many hollywood movies) sometimes I keep listening to a sound to see if I alone heard it, and sometimes I say what if I start analysing things irrationally and believing them lol. So anxiety and ocd can be also about fearing during the day to see this, and feeling bad because of having these strange thoughts?

Thank you very much

21-10-13, 02:57
First off, I don't think you're crazy. Trust me, your mind can create anything on it's own without a disease affecting it. Really the disease if any, is anxiety, not schizophrenia.

Try learning about being rational as well. There are swaths of people dedicated to debunking the paranormal. There is 0 I mean 0 verifiable evidence of anything paranormal. Lots of good data at the Rational Wiki (google it, I can't post links). Also James Randi is the man, he makes "supernatural" people (mediums etc) look like fools. He will pay anyone 1 million bucks who can show they are physic (nobody has obtained it). There's nothing with keeping "an open mind", but as James puts it "it's not so open that my brain falls out". Watch his videos (just search on Youtube) the look on the people's faces as they know they can't prove their "craft" is PRICELESS.

As for the medication, do research on what it does. Ask your doctor if what you are feeling is normal on these meds, and if there is maybe something else if it gives you probs.

Your mind can also goes over the fears when you sleep interrupting it. It varies, I can sleep some nights like a baby, other's I go from being asleep to instantly sitting up feeling awful. Just try and make the most of the good nights.

21-10-13, 03:18
Thank you verymuch debs71 for this link and explanation and thank u fishmanpa for this very interesting description :), I just have a small question, anxiety can be intense all day long without palpitations? Coz I mostly struggle with non stop thinking and headache and depersonalization, and by the way the fear of the unknown is never here at night I sleep peacefully, I just fear to have a hallucination at random times a day and it is characterized by being afraid of seeing a ghost a demon or something (maybe too many hollywood movies) sometimes I keep listening to a sound to see if I alone heard it, and sometimes I say what if I start analysing things irrationally and believing them lol. So anxiety and ocd can be also about fearing during the day to see this, and feeling bad because of having these strange thoughts?

Thank you very much

Yes, it can. You can have mental symptoms of anxiety with or without the physical symptoms of anxiety, like palps and sweating, breathlessness, etc. etc.

I had palps and breathlessness 3 weeks ago when my anxiety flared up again. The physical stuff happened first, then that disappeared and I was only getting the mental stuff - depersonalisation, feeling spaced out...but no more palps.

There is no pattern, and no rationality to anxiety, just common physical and mental symptoms but some people get both mental and physical, some people get one or the other. It just depends on the person and their level of anxiety I suppose.

I have done all of the things you do, GADandOCD....constant questioning, constant worrying that this will happen, or that will happen. I had the strangest, freakiest thoughts when I was really unwell years ago. I kept worrying that I was going to start seeing things, or that stupid things like I was coughing too much/sniffing too much or that I was any minute going to lose control and hurt someone. Horrible, horrible thoughts and fixations, but as mad as these things are, they are ALL related to anxiety and your mind being unable to switch off.

The point is that you have to tell yourself that the fact you are WORRYING that these things MIGHT happen but they DON'T is because you are clearly far too sane for them to happen, and they cannot hurt or threaten you in any way. They are just fears and anxieties, nothing more, and the result of a far too stressed mind.

I am certain that many other GAD/OCD sufferers could tell you that they have experienced odd thoughts too, and it also scared them a lot, but the fact you question them means you are not crazy or going to go crazy, just super-anxious.

When you are having these thoughts, the best way of squashing them is to keep your mind as busy as you can through other methods. Anything that takes your mind away from that thing that is worrying you, and keeps it occupied somewhere else - like doing a crossword puzzle, playing internet games, watching a movie, listening to music. It doesn't matter what it is. Your brain cannot focus on the anxiety if it is busy with something else. It does take some effort but it can be done.

Big hugs to you.xx:hugs:

21-10-13, 10:02
I'm just so lucky, your answers are amazing, I'm happy to read you.. First of all Yossino thank you very much for your interesting reply, I'm going to youtube this and I'm sure it will be of a great help to overcome this silly phobia, now debs71 I would like to thank you from all my heart for your elaborate answer that made me feel again very well, I just have to accept that I'm anxious and that I may have the freakiest thoughts.. Also, I have to understand that never does anxiety develop schizophrenia or paranoia.. :) This forum is amazing I love you guys!!!

21-10-13, 14:49
You are very welcome, hun.

I hope you are feeling better about everything today.x:hugs:

21-10-13, 15:24
I feel great!! Thanks to you guys, I hope you pass an amazing day and that you are already having a great one :* :*

21-10-13, 17:36
Good news! Thanks hun.x:bighug1:

23-10-13, 09:14
Hello Guys, I have a question is it a symptom of anxiety?
Yesterday after I drank too much when I was out, I fell asleep for 2 hours then woke up checked my phone and went back to sleep, as I was trying to sleep, some scary images and faces starting popping into my mind and I was terrified.. This thing made me wonder if I'll be having hallucinations, or develop something very serious .. I am sure I wont become schizophrenic or paranoid or anything, but what was this? Why did I start imagining (eyes closed) scary faces and figures? PS: I do have a fear of the paranormal and these possession stuff..

Please is this also a part of anxiety or am I going astray to another serious mental illness... Please answer me I'm freaking out
Thank you

23-10-13, 17:22
That is a symptom of neither. Weird things can happen before you fall asleep especially with the alcohol. You can enter a dream and still be conscious. You can also have auditory and visual hallucinations. Most people never experience it, but it can happen.

23-10-13, 18:08
Hi, take heart. People only develop psychosis if they were born with a vulnerability to it and the psychosis is activated somehow, but it's possible that messing with mind-altering drugs or suffering some kind of severe brain injury could either create a psychosis or give you the symptoms of one. These are all pretty extreme situations and are not likely to ever apply to you or anyone you know.

As for your thoughts, your anxiety might have an obsessive-compulsive element which in your case means the same thoughts return again and again, creating the same level of anxiety and distress each time. Targeting these thoughts in therapy and looking for ways to reduce the amount of distress they cause would probably help you a lot.

23-10-13, 22:21
My best wishes for both of you you helped me alot I'm always in need of reassuring!! hugs!

24-10-13, 09:57
I didn't have any fear when fluoxetine 20 mg kicked in , now my psychiatrist suggested to increase the dosage a bit.. I dont want to risk anything, am I going to live forever on increasing dosages? Does consummation of prozac lead to anything serious other than anxiety?
Have a nice day