View Full Version : Liver/Flank Pain

20-10-13, 22:22
Hi all.

Have been suffering with pain in my liver/back area for around a year now and the pain goes down my right leg right down to my toes. Panicked a bit that my liver may be in trouble (i'm a typical weekend drinker, drink on a Fri and Saturday night for a number if years). Anyway I have had blood and urine tests, an ultrasound and most recently had an MRI on my liver/abdomen. I received a letter initially saying I might have bruised stomach muscles, then when I got MRI I got a letter saying I had a cyst but they tend not to cause symptoms. I'm waiting to hear what the next step is but starting to really panic I might have something like cirrhosis. Do you think if it was that it would show up on the MRI, and if so would they have let me know by now ( got MRI about 2 months ago). In the meantime I'm cutting down on my alcohol but starting to worry myself sick.

21-10-13, 14:49