View Full Version : Bad Anxiety and Panic

21-10-13, 09:31
:)Hi just feel I need to write this done might help. I am due to have a knee replacement in January and getting so scared already. I know I need it done bone on bone and very painful but anxiety going through the roof.I'm even scared of the tests before surgery and so angry with myself. I have a root canal infection at the moment and on antibiotics so that's not helping, but just wish I could get a grip,as you all know having H.A is the pits, wish there was a magic cure. Thanks for reading take care

21-10-13, 11:53
There's not much anyone can do here but reassure you that you'll be fine.

Is it going to suck? Yeah, but you'll have some good stuff to help with the discomfort and pain and some PT to help get you back on your feet.

One thing to think of is this: In the time I've been on the boards here, I've not seen one single health fear become reality... not ONE! No one died of heart failure, a brain tumor, stroke, MS, MND, ALS or the dozens of other ailments they were sure they had.

You have the fortune of knowing what's wrong and the benefit of knowing they're going to fix it. You'll be on good hands and make a complete recovery!

Good Luck!

21-10-13, 13:59
Thankyou so much for your reply, it means a lot, you have gone through so much and I know I,m being a wimp, seeing consultant tomorrow so will go through my fears with him. thanks again:)

21-10-13, 20:03
Hi Simi, I think it's only natural to worry, thats why we are all on here:roflmao: But I know how your feeling, I'm waiting for a hip replacement, keep telling myself I'm too young so wont have it etc as I'm so scared, but like you know I have to have it done etc. I'm sure we will both sail through the ops and be fine, wishing we had done it earlier........wont stop the worrying though:)

21-10-13, 20:45
Thanks Daisy nice to know I'm not the only one , hope all goes well with you, keep in touch we can compare notes:)

26-10-13, 18:22
Hi, I think it might be good to try and normalise your feelings a little bit - it may actually be unnatural not to worry/feel anxious about having a knee replacement... the most important thing to bear in mind could perhaps be to think of the positive long-term effects that all that could have for you... All the best! :D