View Full Version : Vibrating heads/eyes in the morning

21-10-13, 09:52
Morning everyone, having a bad morning already... When I'm snoozing in the morning, you know the bit when your like just awake but you don't want to open your eyes I keep getting this awful symptom that my eyes/ head are vibrating and I can hear my pulse.... It's awful and makes me think I am having a seizure in my sleep... I'm not sure what to do and wondered if anyone else has had something similar?

I haven't had it for a whole but when I was really anxious use to get it most mornings

21-10-13, 10:27
Yes had this also last few days, but have very bad anxiety at the moment

21-10-13, 10:57
Fedup, I get something similar and I eventually realised it's because I grind my teeth & clench my jaw when I sleep and this makes all the muscles in my face & behind my eyes so very tense and sore. I get all kinds of vibrating feelings and can feel my pulse in the muscles of my face. I can also often hear my pulse in my left ear when the muscle tension appears to be worse.

It can get worse if I look down too much too, like looking at my ipad/phone for too long.

I've just replied to your PM, but thought I'd reply to this too since it's so similar to me.

Do you grind your teeth at night by any chance?

21-10-13, 11:07
Hi, I have Invisalign at the moment.. I changed my brace last night actually so its tighter than normal, not sure if there is a link there but I doubt it as I see a dentist every 6 weeks at the moment.... x

21-10-13, 11:21
How long have you been getting the dental work done for?

21-10-13, 12:04
About 10 months ago...
It was after the dizziness started though as I was thinking maybe it was that that was causing it! :(

21-10-13, 12:15
Well it could be adding to muscle tension you were already experiencing, can't hurt to ask your dentist about it the next time you're there. Take a look at the symptoms for TMJ problems/disorder and see if they match what you've been experiencing - dizziness and tension in the muscles of your face, neck & shoulders can be a part of it and dental work can sometimes add to the problem. It's definitely a part of my own dizziness problem.