View Full Version : Panic at the Dentist, please help.

21-10-13, 11:40
I'm so afraid I can't even move. Tomorrow I'm going in to drill and fill a hole in my tooth :frown:

I was there 3 weeks ago to extract a wisdom tooth and suffered from a major panic attack, I threw up and had to lie down for 15 minutes just to get my blood pumping again. The panic just gets me the moment I lie down in that chair, it doesn't help with all the stuff they put in there together with the terrible taste of theanestethic in my mouth, I'm also afraid of the drill, as I had a terrible experience when I was in school, many years ago.

I've currently got some Phenergan from a friend of my moms who's a nurse, and she says 25mg will help against the anxiety/panic when I'm there? Anyone's got any experience with this?

I've never been this afraid before, it's taken over completely, I'm all tense and shaky already.

Any help or advice greatly appreciated!

22-10-13, 16:50
In situations like this I usually just make sure the dentist/doctor/whoever is aware of the anxiety issue.

I remember when I first developed anxiety I felt like I had to keep it a secret all the time which makes it worse.

If the dentist knows how you feel (I'm sure they've heard it many times before) and you're able to stop them if you feel too bad it'll make it a lot easier.