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Mrs Mul
21-10-13, 12:34
hi i have looked at this forum for some time for self help guidence but took the plunge and joined!
following reading psycho poets citalopram survival guide i felt inspired to take the bull by the horns and give my life an overhaul (despite having no motivation)
i have been on SSRI for over ten years now with varying effect. i was changed from sertraline to citalopram in April. i realised that the side effects were very similar to the symptoms of Anxiety and depression...que why am i taking these?!! add 2 stone weight gain since the switch and i felt more depressed and socially isolated than ever.
following discussion with my gp heres my new regimen -
1000mg omega 3
10mg zinc
super strength vit b complex
inositol 3g
juicing fruit and veg and drink it daily
moderate excercise
hypnotherapy once a week
CBT once a week
reduce citalopram slowly

hows it been? ok so the whole citalopram withdrawl is nasty - nausea, dizzy, brain zaps, edgy. however, i am down to 10 mg every 4 days and i am sticking with it. the vitamins and lifestyle changes have helped greatly however as i pay for therapy and supplements it has become a bit of a drain on the finances!!

i am at the beginning of this journey but i have to believe i can get better after living with depression and anxiety for over 10 years.....i will keep you posted warts and all....hopefully it will encourage others..

21-10-13, 18:17
:welcome:there is a lot of help and support here

21-10-13, 20:54
Hi mrs mul.

You sound like you have had anxiety for a while..I'm getting there slowly.my symptoms are worse when stressed except for constant ringing in the ears..driving me nuts..I'm on week 3 of citoplam ..I also take omega 3 and eats loads of nuts for vitamin e...keep in touch..��