View Full Version : I can't hear so well in my left ear all of a sudden

21-10-13, 13:41
I first noticed this last night. I was lying in bed listening to my mp3 player when the earphone fell out of my right ear. I then noticed that I couldn't hear the mp3 very loudly in my left ear at all. I tried swapping the earphones but it was still a lot quieter in my left ear than my right ear.

Since then I've also noticed that the high pitched ringing in my left ear had got louder, and it's now noticeably louder than it is in my right ear. I've had mild ringing in the ears ever since childhood, but I learnt to ignore it most of the time. I used to only hear the ringing when I was in a quiet room, but now I can notice it more even when I'm in a noisier place like my open plan office.

Also I have the feeling like there's some water stuck in my left ear that won't come out, if you know what I mean? It feels weird, but I know I haven't got any water stuck there as I didn't wash my hair or go swimming yesterday.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've also noticed an occasional rumbling sound in my left ear. I wonder if this could all be linked?

Does anyone know what could be causing this? Sometimes I feel as if I'm about to start going deaf in my left ear but I'm only 29! I don't appear to have any wax in my ears so I'm not sure what it could be.

21-10-13, 13:50
You can't always feel wax in the ear so best to see the nurse who can look properly and tell you if they need syringing.

21-10-13, 19:04
Thanks, it's put my mind at rest to think that it could be just wax! :)

21-10-13, 19:16
Mine where like this last year and I couldn't feel any wax but the nurse could see it.

24-10-13, 10:26
Thanks Annie. I'm going to the doctors later this morning. I did buy some Otex Express eardrops on Tuesday hoping they would get rid of any earwax, but I haven't noticed much improvement at all. In fact last night I began to get bad pain in my left ear and I didn't get much sleep because of this. I haven't used the eardrops this morning because I'm concerned they could be making things worse. I hope I'll find out what's causing these symptoms.

24-10-13, 20:28
Im going through something like this as well rigth now
In my opinion best thing is going to ENT doctor he can send you to hearing test and then you'll know for sure that your hearing is fine!:)
It also makes sense that if you have loud ringing in your ear it masks other noise so you get the feeling of bad hearing ... anyways ear ringing is mostly harmless

24-10-13, 20:46
Just an update on this - when I went to the doctor's this morning I saw the practice nurse who looked into my ears and she said they're both blocked with ear wax, to the extent that she couldn't see my eardrums. She said that the Otex Express eardrops could have inflammed the ear canal of my left ear, causing the pain. So I'm glad I stopped using them when I did. She said I have otitis externa (an infection of the outer ear) and prescribed me some eardrops called Gentisone HC Ear Drops (Gentamicin and Hydrocortisone Acetate). I have to use them 4 times a day for 10 days.

I've used the eardrops twice so far but my ear is still painful. I've been using soluble paracetamol to cope with the pain. My hearing hasn't got any better yet, although I expect it will be a few more days before I notice any improvement.

The nurse also said that for future reference, the best way of softening a build-up of earwax is to use olive oil drops and sodium bicarbonate drops. Also it's best not to use cotton wool or cotton buds as these can damage the lining of the ear.

24-10-13, 20:55
I also have this but I also have fluid trapped in my middle ear which again can be common after colds and sinus infections etx

24-10-13, 21:21
My doctor told me to use the same ear drops too.

24-10-13, 21:26
Annie, how long did it take for your hearing to go back to normal again?

24-10-13, 21:29
Once the wax had loosened I ended up having them syringed. They have been ringing again though since I went to Rome a few weeks ago and I forgot the ear plugs I usually wear when flying. I am going to try the ear drops again.

24-10-13, 22:55
Stupid question but how do you actually use the olive oil? Thinking of giving it a go with mine as they're really waxy

24-10-13, 22:58
The nurse gave me a syringe - she said you can even use olive oil from somewhere like Sainsbury's, but I'd rather get the medical-grade olive oil from a chemist.