View Full Version : Banged side of head !!!

21-10-13, 16:03
Cannot believe this had a really crappy day with my anxiety ect and my toddler being 'challenging' then she's kicking off in the shop for this robot on a ridiculously high shelf so I tried to get it by nudging it with my finger tips an it came falling down right on side of my head... Were I actually know for a fact it's dangerous to bang... My heads all over the place keep crying, feel like my life's just fell apart from this an I'm going to have talk and die syndrome !! It's only been half an hr since I did it an starting to get a headache and my scalp feels weird and I'm so tired aswell. It didnt particularly hurt but it doesn't need to does it ? Didnt hurt Natasha Richardson and look what happened to her. Literally cannot cope nomore

21-10-13, 16:47
You've posted about banging your head before, right? And it was fine that time, wasn't it? People bang their heads *all* the time. The chances of something happening like with Natasha Richardson are just ridiculously small. Also - what makes you say her injury didn't hurt? I rather suspect it did!! It might not have hurt enough for her or her family to think it was serious, but saying it didn't hurt is a bit silly. Getting a headache after banging your head isn't necessarily anything sinister - if you'd stubbed your toe you'd expect it to hurt/ache afterwards, wouldn't you? What exactly fell on you? A toy robot? Doesn't even sound that heavy...

21-10-13, 16:55
Hi Sarah,

I took a look at some of your posts and the fact that you're still posting proves that all of the things you thought were wrong with you (including dying) have been just a bit off the mark ;)

While I'm not a doctor, I'm willing to bet you'll be just fine. Take an OTC pain reliever for your headache (which is probably being made worse by stressing) and relax.

So did your toddler get that robot toy?

Good Luck!

21-10-13, 17:18
Hello I just woke up ... I know I over react, I can't help it seems to be the way I am now I never used to be like this! I don't want to be this way either I genuinely don't. Well as I'm not dead yet I might aswell put the dinner on lol ... And haha yes she did get stupid robot she gets everything she demands I need to be firmer with her. X

21-10-13, 17:19
Our heads are a lot tougher than we think and I am sure that the toy falling on you will do no harm even if it does hurt. You are probably just tired from the bad day you have had.
They actually tell you now that if you bang your head then sleep is the best thing for it. I know at one time they said the opposite.
My son had a really bad bang on his head and I was struggling to keep him awake straight after. I took him to A&E and they said to let him sleep.

21-10-13, 17:27
I'm really weird with bangs on head if I receive on to forehead or top of head towards the front as long as it wasn't massive I'm usually ok ... Anything comes near the back or the sides well that's it the red siren goes off in my head! I actually fell of a pole (don't ask) about 5 ft from the ground and just smashed back of my head to the ground the lump was like a second head ! Still have a really weird tiny rock hard lump were I did it to this day infact think its calcified or something and I know I lived then ... So I don't understand this hideous preoccupation with dying that I have now! Just ruining my own life and I don't know how to stop it :-( and thank you for taking time out to message xx

21-10-13, 18:21
My son has just moved into a new house and it is an old cottage with small doors. He is 6ft 2" so forever bashing his head. He has also had some nasty bangs on his head when younger (as I said earlier) but has survived them.
I won't ask about the pole :D

21-10-13, 19:04
Poor tall man ! I'm 5.2 so one thing i don't have to worry about eh! .... Haha the pole... i had a wild youth �� x

21-10-13, 19:17
Poor tall man ! I'm 5.2 so one thing i don't have to worry about eh! .... Haha the pole... i had a wild youth �� x

So long as you had fun :roflmao:

21-10-13, 19:39
My son has just moved into a new house and it is an old cottage with small doors. He is 6ft 2" so forever bashing his head. He has also had some nasty bangs on his head when younger (as I said earlier) but has survived them.
I won't ask about the pole :D

Sure can associate with that, in our last house I knocked myself out cold decorating the loft room. Funny it never even occurred to me that it might be a problem. I find that amazing with HA that one person's obsession is another's minor incident.

Anyway - don't listen to her - tell us about the pole :)

21-10-13, 19:41
I worry about my son more than he worries about himself :)

Yes the pole :)

21-10-13, 20:48
Lol!!!! I once had a sterling career as an exotic dancer now it's more like sporadic ... Plus I don't try and be clever anymore by doing backflips on a pole :-/ ... In front of a packed club no less ! And if I knocked myself out once I had woken up I would be stressing I was on deaths door for weeks repeated trips to a&e demanding brain scans the lot!!!

21-10-13, 21:03
Yes I think you need a calmer lifestyle now :)

21-10-13, 21:05
Lol!!!! I once had a sterling career as an exotic dancer now it's more like sporadic ...

A neurotic, petite exotic dancer?.... I believe I dated you in a previous life! ~lol~

22-10-13, 03:59
I have a much calmer lifestyle now Annie .. Haven't touched drugs for 4 yrs don't really drink alcohol (the anxiety the next day is soo not worth it) I just have my beautiful angel... And she really is aswell even with a mothers bias been approached by child model agency's however she's terribly naughty an would never pose for photographs with out destroying the room she was in hahaha. My stupid slobbery bulldog and my beautiful little house that I have worked hard for I am truly blessed in many ways and I have a lot to be happy and grateful for the only problem I have is my crippling health anxiety and death phobia xx fishmanpa hahaha in the eloquent words of my ex boyfriend I am an absolute headcase :-)

22-10-13, 05:02
Hi I just want to say that if you ever bump your head hard again here are some tests for concussion or brain injury - double vision, severe headache are signs of concussion and if you have these go to er.

shine a light into your pupils - they should get smaller because the light should make them contract. if they don't then go to a & e. grip your hands and wiggle your toes, smile and frown to make sure you can move your face - if all these are in check you are not concussed so no need to worry and btw - you have to hit your head super hard on a solid surface such as concrete to sustain a bad injury to the brain. natasha Richardson fell on rock solid mile deep ice, you know how hard an ice cube is right? so imagine a thick sheet of ice - it's extremely solid. even a counter or floor has some give. and apparently she had double vision too afterwards which would alarm most!

22-10-13, 08:45
What the heck is talk and die syndrome? It sounds like something made up?

Ten years ago I fell over on a night out (I wasn't drunk lol, the floor was slippy) and I banged the side of my head, fell straight down and thwacked it. Tbh yes it's always worried me but I'm still here currently....

22-10-13, 09:04
I think it just means that you can sometimes hit your head and be seemingly completely fine immediately afterwards despite having done serious damage (like Natasha Richardson I guess). But it's really rare and you have to have properly hit your head hard, not just had a toy robot fall on it!

22-10-13, 09:52
Well I'm not going to google whoever this women is as no doubt I don't want to hear it. I did hit my head pretty hard, smack on the concrete. But that was ten years ago....

22-10-13, 10:44
Mummyanxious my son did the same and he fell backwards into the concrete, just fron about 3.5 feet. He was dazed for quite a while but is fine. You have nothing to worry about especially if it was 10 year ago.

22-10-13, 13:30
I think after 10 yrs ur pretty safe mummy anxious ! X

22-10-13, 13:41
I knocked myself out once when I fell over and hit my head, broke my cheek bone. Went to A&E and they were happy that I was fine. My husband did something similar, instead of knocking himself out he bruised his eyebrow and had horrific swelling. A&E discharged him. Needless to say we're both fine :)

Despite what we suffered from you need a pretty good wholloping to incur anything serious, your skull is a very thick bone with plenty of membranes to protect the brain to knocks.