View Full Version : Where do I go from here

21-10-13, 17:44
I have just had my blood test results back and the results are normal with no action required , so I'm not diabetic. However this still doesn't explain why I'm getting hypoglycemia attacks but I think it's just down to my sugar levels dropping so now I have a new problem ; how do I prevent them from happening ? Is there a special diet that Is cheap I could follow ? I am going to start eating healthy but I don't have a clue where to begin since I've never really tried eating healthy. I know exercise is involved but I feel I'm restricted in that area because I suffer with bad back and leg joint pains

21-10-13, 17:55
I have just had my blood test results back and the results are normal with no action required , so I'm not diabetic. However this still doesn't explain why I'm getting hypoglycemia attacks but I think it's just down to my sugar levels dropping so now I have a new problem ; how do I prevent them from happening ? Is there a special diet that Is cheap I could follow ? I am going to start eating healthy but I don't have a clue where to begin since I've never really tried eating healthy. I know exercise is involved but I feel I'm restricted in that area because I suffer with bad back and leg joint pains

You have to start somewhere Dave. There are a plethora of healthy eating resources out there. If you can Google symptoms, you can Google healthy eating! Perhaps you can join a gym and hire a personal trainer to help cater an exercise program with your health issues in mind. There's a saying... "The Buck Stops Here"... guess what?... you're here and you're also the Buck!

Good Luck!

21-10-13, 18:26
I give up just going to eat unhealthy its the only way I know and its alot easier

21-10-13, 18:34
Ultimately Dave that is your choice. However an unhealthy lifestyle is a sure fire way to make health anxiety, genuine ill health.

I haven't read your post history but if I get it right, you have an unhealthy lifestyle and you have been told by the GP that there is nothing wrong with you. Sounds to me like a get out of jail free and a real driver for lifestyle change. Only you can make positive changes regarding either your physical or mental health.

21-10-13, 18:44
Please I don't really care about my health i tried but its too hard and im not rich. It cost £1 for a ready meal in asda but to make that meal from scratch cost £8. Im not rich its cheaper to buy the ready meal im struggling with rent and bills so ill go for the £1 meal im working to put myself into an early grave. Is this the way life is heading ? As they say 'live fast die young'

21-10-13, 18:48
I give up just going to eat unhealthy its the only way I know and its alot easier

Dave, I mean this in the nicest way possible - you could give yourself diabetes (not to mention heart and cholesterol issues) if you take that attitude through your life.

If you have blood sugar issues, eat little and often. I have pre diabetes (insulin resistance) and I carry a bag of mixed fruit and nuts around with me and have a good handful every couple of hours between meals. That gets rid of my dips.

Ask your doctor to refer you to a nutrionist. Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard.

Or throw in the towel and be terrified later on about the damage you may have caused. It's up to you.

21-10-13, 18:50
Please I don't really care about my health... As they say 'live fast die young'

Well... good luck with that!

21-10-13, 18:51
Please I don't really care about my health i tried but its too hard and im not rich. It cost £1 for a ready meal in asda but to make that meal from scratch cost £8. Im not rich its cheaper to buy the ready meal im struggling with rent and bills so ill go for the £1 meal im working to put myself into an early grave. Is this the way life is heading ? As they say 'live fast die young'

That's strange. I cook food for my husband and myself from scratch every single day, with enough left overs for lunch for both of us the next day and to make my baby food. Total cost £5 so £1 per meal.

If you want to live fast die young, so be it. But posting on a health anxiety forum, I assumed that wasn't your attitude. My mistake.

21-10-13, 18:53
but to make that meal from scratch cost £8.

Then you're doing it wrong.

I could literally feed 5-10 people with £8 and feed them well.

21-10-13, 19:02
At university (admittedly 15 years ago) we fed two people for a whole week for £15.

Dave you say you don't care about your health. I am assuming that isn't true, otherwise frequenting a HA forum would be illogical. Let me give you an example:

500g mince £2.50
Carrot 10p
Onion 15p
Chopped tomatoes £20p
Pasta 20p
Mushrooms 40p

Et voila 4 portions of spaghetti bolognese for under a pound a portion.

21-10-13, 19:03
Dave a bad diet can most certainly cause hypoglycemic episodes.

Why are you resisting the change so much? Think hard about what gain you're getting from it. Why did you come here to ask what your next step is? If you can learn what hypoglycemia is then you can definitely learn about how to combat it.

What does a regular day of eating look like for you? What kind of food budget are you trying to live on?

A good, cheap and easy start is to have porridge for breakfast. It'll burn up slowly in your body and keep your blood sugars stable.

Another key to stable blood sugars is to eat small meals regularly. So no long gaps between big meals and never skip a meal when you're due one.

21-10-13, 19:31
Where do you get 20p pasta from ?

21-10-13, 19:32
Per portion. But actually a whole bag of value pasta or spaghetti is less than that for a whole bag.

21-10-13, 20:07
So it's not 20p for pasta lol its more then what you making out still

21-10-13, 20:08
So it's not 20p for pasta lol its more then what you making out still

It is less than that for pasta-if you have the right sized portion.cpe1978 was saying you can get a whole bag of value pasta for not much more than 20p so 4 portions is less than 20p

21-10-13, 20:21
So it's not 20p for pasta lol its more then what you making out still

Dude. If you want help, say so. I had to make major diet changes a few years ago and it was hard to get started and I'd be happy to help.

But you are starting to look like you are trying to wind people up now and I wont waste my energy if that's the case.

Oh and sainsburys basic pasta shapes is 30p for a 500g bag. 40g is enough for one meal, therefore it is less than 3p per meal.

21-10-13, 20:44
So it's not 20p for pasta lol its more then what you making out still

For goodness sake, you need to decide for yourself whether you want to make a change. If you do, then I am sure that people here will be more than happy to help, me included.

22-10-13, 10:36
So it's not 20p for pasta lol its more then what you making out still

I can't tell if you're for real or not, but if you actually want advice you're not going to get very far being that rude to people who are trying to help. The point is, you said it cost you £8 to make the equivalent of a ready meal that you can buy for £1 in Asda. If that's the case, you're buying the wrong stuff. Here's value spaghetti from Tesco, 39p for 500g.http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=258289625

You need absolute maximum 100g serving for yourself, and frankly if you're trying to lose weight and eat healthily it should be less than that, so that's maximum 7.8p for the pasta for one meal. Buy meat when it's on offer and freeze portion-sized amounts. Basic veg doesn't have to cost much. Value rice is also cheap. I think you might be thinking about the total cost of the shop that you do if you're cooking for yourself rather than the cost per meal. Sure, if you go out and buy a whole bag of pasta, 4 cans of tinned tomatoes, a large pack of mince, a bag of carrots, etc, then that shop might cost more than the equivalent ready meal, but that shop is going to do you multiple meals, so it's not a fair comparison.

22-10-13, 16:06
I can't tell if you're for real or not, but if you actually want advice you're not going to get very far being that rude to people who are trying to help. The point is, you said it cost you £8 to make the equivalent of a ready meal that you can buy for £1 in Asda. If that's the case, you're buying the wrong stuff. Here's value spaghetti from Tesco, 39p for 500g.http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=258289625

You need absolute maximum 100g serving for yourself, and frankly if you're trying to lose weight and eat healthily it should be less than that, so that's maximum 7.8p for the pasta for one meal. Buy meat when it's on offer and freeze portion-sized amounts. Basic veg doesn't have to cost much. Value rice is also cheap. I think you might be thinking about the total cost of the shop that you do if you're cooking for yourself rather than the cost per meal. Sure, if you go out and buy a whole bag of pasta, 4 cans of tinned tomatoes, a large pack of mince, a bag of carrots, etc, then that shop might cost more than the equivalent ready meal, but that shop is going to do you multiple meals, so it's not a fair comparison.

A much more eloquent response vs my grumpy one :)

22-10-13, 18:40
If you Google you'll find loads of cheap meals. You could also buy vegetarian mince for example - cheaper, you can cook from frozen so you have longer to eat it, and by the time you've put it in a spaghetti bol or shepherds pie or something you won't know it's not meat.

Cottage pie is cheap - potatoes are cheap. Also, jacket potato with fillings can be a healthy meals and very cheap too. As others have said, pasta is very cheap. Rice is cheap too. If you make bigger portions you can have it two days or freeze it. Tuna pasta bake is a cheap alternative to using meat. Omelette filled with onion, mushroom, cheese etc are cheap. The list is endless!

You certainly don't need to be spending £8 per meal! I could have steak with all the trimmings for that!