View Full Version : Can alcohol stop the effect of fluoxetine?

21-10-13, 18:10
Hello guys,

I really need to know if my anxiety rising lately was because of drinking every day which may stop the effect of fluoxetine, or is it only the hard times I passed through, or maybe is is normal that sometimes I should increase the dosage of fluoxetine because the 20 mg just stopped working?

Plese answer this time :p

21-10-13, 18:15
I would say that drinking while taking fluoxetine would increase your anxiety. It is really best not to drink alcohol when taking anxiety medication.

21-10-13, 18:18
Thanks alot Annie, but I would really like if it is also possible that fluoxetine stops working after months...?

21-10-13, 18:22
I don't take it myself but I don't think it should stop working> If you think it has then you should go back to your doctor as the dose may need increasing.

25-10-13, 11:12
I don't know about the effect of alcohol with fluoxetine as I don't drink anymore, but I felt that the flu was working for me at 20mg per day, But I got sick and I started to feel reply down again. My gp has now increased my fluoxetine to 30mg which I'll start next week. So yes I think yours may have stopped working and you should visit your gp to discuss options.