View Full Version : Going down fast - Neck Problems

21-10-13, 19:08
Hi Guys,

The last few weeks have been a nightmare, I finally wanted to crack this Health Anxiety thing and made positive steps to do so like doing more exercise etc

But the last couple of weeks have sent me straight back to where I was...

This time last year I trapped a nerve in my Neck and it was really painful, massage and heat helped and after a couple of weeks it felt much better, then throughout this year I have mild aches in that area of my neck mainly when I sit at my computer for long periods...

Then recently it felt like I had trapped a nerve again but no way near as bad but got me thinking about these aches I have had through out the year which I had put down to tension, bad posture etc..

Went to docs and she said one side of my neck and shoulder is definitely harder than the other but probably due to injury or tension etc.

But thoughts have been whurring round in my head and today on one side of my neck just above my collar bone it feels a lot harder, i showed m finacee who said its not noticeable and I have only noticed it because I have been poking around looking for something... She also said its more than likely I just had more muscle definition on that side and that our bodies aren't perfectly symmetrical. She said i shouldn't worry at all... but all I am doing is worrying! convinced its some sort of cancer that is affecting my muscles or has been growing for some time.

Also on my neck area and top of spine it feels like its aching every now and again (mildly near the bone) Massuese said this is probably because there are lots of muscles,cartlidge and tendons near the bone and could be aggrevating them with my heightened tension or posture etc.

Just convinced myself I have some form of spine cancer similar...

Any help?

21-10-13, 19:12
I think you should listen to your Fiancée and Masseuse as a holistic therapist I agree with them :)

21-10-13, 19:28
Haha, easier said than done!

I keep trying to tell myself that if it was some form of spine cancer or similar it would be a lot worse after nearly a year where as my pain/ache comes and goes and is what I would call mild right?

21-10-13, 19:29
right!! :D